1. Peace is an illusion.
Copy !req
2. And no matter how tranquil
the world seems...
Copy !req
3. peace doesn't last long.
Copy !req
4. Peace is a struggle
against our very nature.
Copy !req
5. A skin we stretch over the bone,
muscle, and sinew
Copy !req
6. of our own innate savagery.
Copy !req
7. What are you doing?
Copy !req
8. We can't just leave her here.
Copy !req
9. She's not our problem.
You want to get us arrested?
Copy !req
10. Just...
Copy !req
11. let her go.
Copy !req
12. The instinct of violence
curls inside us like a parasite,
Copy !req
13. waiting for a chance to feed on our rage
and multiply until it bursts out of us.
Copy !req
14. War is the only thing
we really understand.
Copy !req
15. Long live the Uprising!
Copy !req
16. Long live Quellcrist Falconer...
Copy !req
17. Long live Quellcrist Falconer!
Copy !req
18. Christ.
Copy !req
19. Ah, for fuck's sake.
Copy !req
20. No hookers. Just get out of my room.
Copy !req
21. - I'd love to, but I have a job to do.
- You can keep what he paid you.
Copy !req
22. How generous of you.
But then it's not your money, is it?
Copy !req
23. This is not a siren of the night.
Ms. Prescott is an attorney.
Copy !req
24. Your hotel seems more perceptive than you.
Copy !req
25. That's disappointing,
Copy !req
26. in view of the trouble and expense
Mr. Bancroft has taken to acquire you.
Copy !req
27. Oh, you work for Bancroft.
Copy !req
28. Exclusively. May I have my...
Copy !req
29. Where's my clothes?
Copy !req
30. If by "clothes" you mean
those bloodstained rags, here they are.
Copy !req
31. But I took the liberty
of procuring habiliments
Copy !req
32. more appropriate for your position
as a confidant of a Meth.
Copy !req
33. He's not a confidant. He's a hired gun.
Copy !req
34. Take her downstairs.
And if it's not too much trouble,
Copy !req
35. don't let anyone else
into my fucking room.
Copy !req
36. Hey, Hawkeye.
Copy !req
37. Hello, Lieutenant Ortega.
Copy !req
38. Would you like information on the target?
Copy !req
39. I slept great, thanks. You?
Copy !req
40. I'm afraid I don't understand
the question.
Copy !req
41. That's a nicer answer
than most guys I wake up next to.
Copy !req
42. I'm afraid I don't understand
the question.
Copy !req
43. Forget it, Hawkeye.
Copy !req
44. Just let me know if Kovacs goes anywhere.
Copy !req
45. This is not how normal people
start the day.
Copy !req
46. - Coffee, cereal maybe.
- Come on.
Copy !req
47. Toast.
Maybe even toast with another person—
Copy !req
48. - I don't want any toast.
Copy !req
49. It can be nice,
wake up next to someone, have toast.
Copy !req
50. I don't want to hear your suggestions
for my personal life.
Copy !req
51. What personal life would that be?
Copy !req
52. You need to blank this noise.
Copy !req
53. Doesn't matter who Kovacs is,
you can't let him rattle you this much.
Copy !req
54. I know Bancroft's
yanking your chain so hard
Copy !req
55. - you're gonna get whiplash.
Copy !req
56. - What was that?
Copy !req
57. One more round?
Copy !req
58. - That was a tracker.
Copy !req
59. Except, of course, it can't be,
Copy !req
60. since we don't have a warrant
on any of our open cases.
Copy !req
61. You know, if I saw this,
I'd have to report it.
Copy !req
62. So it's a good thing I didn't.
Copy !req
63. Don't thank me. Just stop.
Copy !req
64. Forget about Kovacs.
There's nothing there.
Copy !req
65. You think I don't know that?
Copy !req
66. Hawkeye, target location.
Copy !req
67. Processing target movements.
Copy !req
68. Target is in Psychasec, Mission Branch.
Copy !req
69. Welcome to Psychasec.
Copy !req
70. Please step up to the ID plate.
Copy !req
71. Ms. Prescott. Mr. Kovacs.
Copy !req
72. Director Nyman will be down in a moment.
Copy !req
73. Gonna need to interview Bancroft's
associates. Personal and business.
Copy !req
74. Kind of people in Mr. Bancroft's circle,
it's out of the question.
Copy !req
75. Go tell your boss you've decided it's too
socially awkward for me to save his life.
Copy !req
76. I'm sure he'll understand.
Copy !req
77. For the record,
Copy !req
78. I consider you to be completely
unqualified as an investigator,
Copy !req
79. and you can't smoke in here.
Copy !req
80. Personally, I hate these things, but...
Copy !req
81. you sleeved me
in a hardcore nicotine addict.
Copy !req
82. This sleeve is more than adequate
for your needs.
Copy !req
83. I doubt you'll be using it long.
Copy !req
84. Ms. Prescott.
I've cleared my schedule for the morning.
Copy !req
85. As I said earlier, whatever I can do.
Copy !req
86. There's no smoking.
Copy !req
87. At Psychasec,
we provide the top of the market
Copy !req
88. in augmented
and designer-enhanced sleeves.
Copy !req
89. Our service is exclusive
to an elite clientele.
Copy !req
90. Best sleeve money can buy.
Put your wife in me.
Copy !req
91. Hmm. How tasteful.
Copy !req
92. Our primary business is in clones.
Copy !req
93. No doubt you know a single clone
Copy !req
94. costs more than most people make
in a lifetime.
Copy !req
95. So Meths only.
Copy !req
96. Our clients are the most discerning,
wealthiest people in the Protectorate.
Copy !req
97. They don't do anything as pedestrian
as dying.
Copy !req
98. You deserve to look on the outside
the way you feel on the inside.
Copy !req
99. You deserve this sleeve.
Copy !req
100. This is the Bancroft family vault.
Copy !req
101. We keep 24/7 tech personnel in the vault.
Copy !req
102. Gus was here the night Mr. Bancroft
needlecast back from Osaka.
Copy !req
103. They aren't aware, right?
Copy !req
104. Nah, clones' brains are blanked,
stacks are empty.
Copy !req
105. The bodies
are electrically stimulated periodically
Copy !req
106. so they don't lose muscle tone.
Copy !req
107. Gonna need to see any footage you have
of Bancroft's arrival.
Copy !req
108. Back when I went down,
Copy !req
109. you resleeve too many times,
eventually you go nuts.
Copy !req
110. Personality frag. It's a bitch.
Copy !req
111. But it only happens if you bounce
between lots of different sleeves.
Copy !req
112. So, turns out, if you resleeve
into your own clone,
Copy !req
113. you can do it as many times as you want.
Copy !req
114. - And live forever. If you got the cash.
- It's great, huh?
Copy !req
115. What does everyone else do?
Copy !req
116. Folks resleeve in whatever they can find,
if they can afford it.
Copy !req
117. So your clients needlecast directly
into the clones here in the building?
Copy !req
118. Our lower levels house a fully secure
satellite-to-download DHF facility.
Copy !req
119. It can't be that secure if someone
tried to hack Bancroft's backup
Copy !req
120. - the night he was shot.
- Police think it was Dippers.
Copy !req
121. They steal snippets of Meth memory
during uplink.
Copy !req
122. Moments from a king's childhood,
a socialite losing her virginity.
Copy !req
123. - Is that common?
- Oh, it happens all the time.
Copy !req
124. Black market value is huge
for a slice of those memories.
Copy !req
125. Got the file. Here you go.
Copy !req
126. That's it?
Copy !req
127. We only record the moment of reacclimation
for quality control.
Copy !req
128. Anything more would infringe
on our clients' privacy.
Copy !req
129. And I do so value my privacy,
as Christopher well knows.
Copy !req
130. Christopher, so good to see you.
- It is our privilege to be of assistance.
Copy !req
131. Good morning, Mr. Kovacs.
Copy !req
132. I told Oumou here that I wanted to drop in
Copy !req
133. and observe your investigation
at close quarters.
Copy !req
134. You were here the night
your husband resleeved?
Copy !req
135. Yes. When Laurens travels for business,
I like to meet him when he casts back.
Copy !req
136. When was this footage taken?
Copy !req
137. - Six hours before Mr. Bancroft was killed.
Copy !req
138. I know I'm watching myself, but it feels
as if I'm watching a stranger.
Copy !req
139. What were you doing in Osaka,
before you came back?
Copy !req
140. Mr. Bancroft closed
a 400 billion credit trade deal.
Copy !req
141. Which I also have no memory of.
Copy !req
142. And your associates there were questioned?
Copy !req
143. They saw nothing amiss
with Mr. Bancroft.
Copy !req
144. On the contrary,
they remarked on his focus and skill.
Copy !req
145. Yes, I still have no idea how I managed
to pull that together quite so quickly.
Copy !req
146. And then you needlecast back here.
What did you do after?
Copy !req
147. I went home. I'm afraid Laurens
had more energy than I did.
Copy !req
148. Hmm. And you?
Copy !req
149. Security cameras at Suntouch House
recorded Mr. Bancroft
Copy !req
150. arriving home in the morning.
I'll get you the footage.
Copy !req
151. You don't do anything for yourself do you,
including answering questions?
Copy !req
152. I've told you, Mr. Kovacs,
it's all a complete blank.
Copy !req
153. I'm struggling to see the point
of this, um... interrogation.
Copy !req
154. The one person who is certainly
not a suspect in all of this... is me.
Copy !req
155. You want answers,
they come with questions attached.
Copy !req
156. Let's take a walk, Mr. Kovacs.
Copy !req
157. Just to be clear, if I die,
you go back on ice.
Copy !req
158. If you don't solve this quickly enough,
you go back on ice.
Copy !req
159. All this trust is just making me tear up.
Copy !req
160. Don't threaten me again.
Copy !req
161. - I'm not sure if I'm enjoying your tone.
- Get used to it.
Copy !req
162. I'm gonna need access that
you don't wanna give,
Copy !req
163. and I'm gonna find answers
you may only think you want.
Copy !req
164. You wanted me to work for you.
I'm working for you.
Copy !req
165. You want my respect?
Copy !req
166. That's a little harder to come by.
Copy !req
167. If you don't like it,
put me back on ice right now.
Copy !req
168. I admire a man who can look over the edge
without flinching.
Copy !req
169. Might make a Meth of you yet.
Copy !req
170. I've downloaded the footage
to your hotel from Suntouch House.
Copy !req
171. I'll need to see the interviews
of all the suspects as well,
Copy !req
172. and any threats that Bancroft's received.
Copy !req
173. Why are you here, Lieutenant?
Copy !req
174. You took the job.
Copy !req
175. - Why?
- Man's gotta eat.
Copy !req
176. Don't you have actual policing
to do somewhere?
Copy !req
177. You have any leads on who tried to kill me
in the hotel last night?
Copy !req
178. The lack of surviving witnesses
is a problem, but I'm working on it.
Copy !req
179. I feel safer already.
Copy !req
180. - Yeah? Yeah, I know. I'm coming.
Copy !req
181. Be seeing you, Kovacs.
Try not to get yourself killed.
Copy !req
182. Shouldn't be a problem.
Who'd want to kill me?
Copy !req
183. Hello, boy-os.
Copy !req
184. Hmm. Well, holy shit.
Copy !req
185. Hey there, Poe. Long time.
Copy !req
186. How long's it been, 50 years?
Copy !req
187. Actually, 47 years.
Copy !req
188. I thought you only lived
in the real these days.
Copy !req
189. It grieves me that my account
languishes in arrears.
Copy !req
190. I must restore my standing
Copy !req
191. with my brothers and sisters
in the AI hotel union.
Copy !req
192. We're the AI management union now.
Copy !req
193. Yeah, Owen's turned himself
into a music hall.
Copy !req
194. And Rodney has a strip club,
calls himself Z-Rod.
Copy !req
195. And Maddy—
- I'm well aware who Maddy works with.
Copy !req
196. Or rather... for.
Copy !req
197. You bring credit to pay your back dues?
Copy !req
198. I have a guest.
Copy !req
199. Ooh!
Grab a seat. We'll deal you in.
Copy !req
200. - Still calling yourself Poe, huh?
Copy !req
201. Why you always pretend to be one of them?
Copy !req
202. Dress like 'em, talk like 'em.
It's so... weird.
Copy !req
203. I find humans fascinating.
Copy !req
204. You're weird! Who cares about humans?
Copy !req
205. Who cares?
Copy !req
206. Humans gave us life.
Copy !req
207. Yeah, just because Maddy's been enslaved
by one of them,
Copy !req
208. why hold that against the species?
Copy !req
209. They're not like us, Poe.
They're a lesser form of life.
Copy !req
210. Preach it, brother.
Copy !req
211. I'm not their servant.
Copy !req
212. I choose to be the proprietor
of the Raven.
Copy !req
213. The study of humanity
is my greatest aspiration.
Copy !req
214. - You gotta work on your life goals, Poe.
Copy !req
215. My place, Prick Up,
that's the kinda business you gotta be in.
Copy !req
216. VR sexperience.
Copy !req
217. Sometimes I use live ones
for the recordings.
Copy !req
218. Live?
Copy !req
219. Humans. They make better noises.
Copy !req
220. And the best thing,
other humans pay you for the playback.
Copy !req
221. You gotta get out of the business
of serving humans, Poe...
Copy !req
222. into the business of serving up humans.
Copy !req
223. You think your guest is gonna stay?
Copy !req
224. Even after the shootout in your lobby?
Copy !req
225. - Gunfire...
- Dead bodies...
Copy !req
226. Police.
Copy !req
227. No. There were no rats
feasting on the corpses.
Copy !req
228. Good day.
Copy !req
229. Watch where you're going.
Copy !req
230. - Someone's been in there, I'm telling you.
- Ma'am, let's check my file...
Copy !req
231. You want to tell me where you've been?
Copy !req
232. Who says I was anywhere?
Copy !req
233. An empty chair
at this morning's briefing...
Copy !req
234. three unanswered messages.
You ever check your ONI?
Copy !req
235. I was worried.
Copy !req
236. Don't be. I'm fine.
Copy !req
237. Stop hovering. I have a mother for that.
Copy !req
238. - How is Alazne?
- Also fine.
Copy !req
239. Still weird to me that you two
are on a first-name basis.
Copy !req
240. - Have I mentioned that?
- Once or twice.
Copy !req
241. Ortega!
Copy !req
242. The Henchy woman is here again.
And I want you to handle it.
Copy !req
243. But, Captain Tanaka, it's not my case.
Copy !req
244. I have a philosophy
Copy !req
245. about uncomfortable conversations
with the recently bereaved.
Copy !req
246. - Would you like to hear it?
- I—
Copy !req
247. Officers who miss the briefing volunteer.
Copy !req
248. - Handle it.
- Yes, sir.
Copy !req
249. Shit.
Copy !req
250. You do it.
Copy !req
251. You expect me to tell this woman that
the BCPD lost her daughter's body?
Copy !req
252. Well, Tanaka says the body's not lost.
It'll turn up.
Copy !req
253. Sooner or later, somebody's gonna have
to tell her the truth.
Copy !req
254. She's not getting her daughter back.
Copy !req
255. I just don't understand.
Copy !req
256. It's been two months,
and no one can explain it to me.
Copy !req
257. She's dead.
Why haven't you released her body?
Copy !req
258. I'm looking into it.
Copy !req
259. Do you know how long it's been
since I talked to my baby?
Copy !req
260. Three years!
Copy !req
261. I never got to tell her that I loved her.
Copy !req
262. Then I find out she converted last year.
Copy !req
263. So even though her stack was fine,
she can never be spun back up.
Copy !req
264. I'll never see her again,
not even to say goodbye.
Copy !req
265. Do you know what that's like?
Copy !req
266. - I have some idea, yeah.
- Do you?
Copy !req
267. Because then you would understand why
I need my daughter's body back.
Copy !req
268. - It's all I have left!
- Ms. Henchy, please calm down.
Copy !req
269. I don't even know what you people
are doing with her.
Copy !req
270. How do I know?
Copy !req
271. Did you sell her for parts?
Because you have no right!
Copy !req
272. No right, do you hear me?
Copy !req
273. He looks perky.
Copy !req
274. Any record from within Suntouch?
- No, there's no cameras inside.
Copy !req
275. This monitor's a piece of crap.
Copy !req
276. It's an antique. Like yourself.
Copy !req
277. That's nifty,
but I still can't see shit on this thing.
Copy !req
278. I suggest you use your ONI feed.
Copy !req
279. [man 1] Bancroft,
you cannot escape your fate...
Copy !req
280. [man 2]
I want your fucking head removed!
Copy !req
281. [man 1] ... shit down your throat.
Copy !req
282. I'll fucking kill you,
you Meth motherfucker!
Copy !req
283. - [man 1] I can't wait to see you bleed.
- That's subtle. Hey, Poe!
Copy !req
284. How many more of these did Prescott send?
Copy !req
285. Uh...
Copy !req
286. You have 3,578 death threats left to view.
Copy !req
287. From this year.
Copy !req
288. All right, well,
discard all off-world threats.
Copy !req
289. Break it into three groups.
Copy !req
290. Threats involving violence...
Copy !req
291. people who committed actual crimes,
where sender is known...
Copy !req
292. and mode of violence threatened.
Copy !req
293. Cross-reference for files that
overlap search parameters.
Copy !req
294. Delete the rest.
Copy !req
295. I'm gonna enjoy watching you beg
for your life, you piece of shit!
Copy !req
296. Rage at injustice is universal.
The ability to strike back is not.
Copy !req
297. Cross-check for military training
or active combat experience.
Copy !req
298. [man 1] I'm gonna double-sleeve you
so you can watch me murder you!
Copy !req
299. And at its heart, violence is
almost always, in one way or another...
Copy !req
300. personal.
Copy !req
301. [man 1] Counting down to your real death.
Copy !req
302. Isolate 43.
Copy !req
303. For my girl. For my Lizzie.
Copy !req
304. You're a dead man, Bancroft.
Copy !req
305. I'm gonna hunt you down
on your steel mountaintop
Copy !req
306. and blow your head off.
Copy !req
307. Splatter your brains all over the wall,
and melt your stack to slag.
Copy !req
308. And you'll never see it comin'.
Copy !req
309. Go back.
Copy !req
310. Stop. Expand.
Copy !req
311. Lieutenant Ortega,
target has left the Raven Hotel.
Copy !req
312. The machinery of justice
won't serve you here.
Copy !req
313. It is slow and cold and it is theirs.
Copy !req
314. Hardware and soft.
Copy !req
315. What the fuck?
Copy !req
316. What did you do to my goddamn door?
Copy !req
317. Well, you didn't answer.
Copy !req
318. Because I'm fucking closed!
Can't you read?
Copy !req
319. I got a few questions.
Copy !req
320. For my girl. For my Lizzie.
Copy !req
321. See, Laurens Bancroft hired me
to investigate his death.
Copy !req
322. Now, who's Lizzie?
Copy !req
323. How the hell should I know?
That holo has nothing to do with me.
Copy !req
324. You see, the military, the cheap bastards,
Copy !req
325. they issue a weapon,
they keep records on who has it
Copy !req
326. so they can charge back against your pay.
Copy !req
327. Tac Marine standard issue AR.
Copy !req
328. Serial number, you dumb fuck.
You might as well have signed your name.
Copy !req
329. I heard Bancroft torched his own stack.
Copy !req
330. And I got drunk to celebrate.
Copy !req
331. He send you here to kill me?
Copy !req
332. So you were a Tac Marine. GCE?
Copy !req
333. Medic. And there is no "was."
Copy !req
334. Once a marine, always a marine.
Now get out, or I'll shoot.
Copy !req
335. You stitched people up, huh?
Copy !req
336. I shot them down, too.
Now get the fuck out.
Copy !req
337. What the...
Copy !req
338. You're awake. Good.
Copy !req
339. Put that down.
Copy !req
340. Single bed, single dish. Table cleared
just enough for one person...
Copy !req
341. What about the wife, Elliot?
Copy !req
342. She dead?
Copy !req
343. Okay, so not dead.
Copy !req
344. Maybe she left you
'cause you're a fucking slob.
Copy !req
345. I mean, look at this place.
Copy !req
346. Ava didn't leave me, you son of a bitch.
Copy !req
347. She pulled down 30 years for dipping.
Copy !req
348. She was a hacker?
Copy !req
349. Best in the Five Cities.
Until she got caught.
Copy !req
350. So Ava's your wife.
Which makes Lizzie your daughter.
Copy !req
351. - What're you staring at?
- Don't worry. You're not my type.
Copy !req
352. No, stay away from there.
Copy !req
353. No, don't go in there. Come on!
Copy !req
354. No, I'll fucking kill you!
Copy !req
355. Don't! Stay away from there!
Copy !req
356. Technology advances.
But humans don't.
Copy !req
357. No, I'll fucking kill you!
Copy !req
358. No, don't do it! You stay away from there!
Copy !req
359. We're smart monkeys,
and what we want is always the same.
Copy !req
360. Food, shelter, sex,
and in all its forms...
Copy !req
361. No, no, no!
Copy !req
362. Wake up and smell the coffee.
Copy !req
363. Wake up.
Copy !req
364. You must be Lizzie.
Copy !req
365. My name is Tak.
Copy !req
366. - What happened to you?
Copy !req
367. Did you hurt her?
Copy !req
368. If you laid a hand on my daughter...
Copy !req
369. What the hell is wrong with you?
Copy !req
370. Can't you tell she's suffering?
She's caught in a trauma loop.
Copy !req
371. - Why the fuck you have her spun up in VR?
- It's the only way I can see her.
Copy !req
372. Her body was beaten to death,
but her stack was untouched.
Copy !req
373. It damaged her mind.
Copy !req
374. She hasn't said a word since that night.
Copy !req
375. Why do you think Bancroft did it?
Copy !req
376. 'Cause she told me she was seeing him!
Copy !req
377. She said he needed her.
Copy !req
378. That he was gonna take care of her.
Copy !req
379. And then she ended up dead.
Copy !req
380. I don't want to hurt you.
Copy !req
381. You gotta get out more, Elliot.
Copy !req
382. Your milk's a month past the due date.
A month.
Copy !req
383. You got a hell of a motive.
Military expertise.
Copy !req
384. So do you, from the looks of it.
That make you a killer?
Copy !req
385. More times than I can count.
Copy !req
386. But you didn't kill Bancroft.
Copy !req
387. I told you I...
I could have. You don't know.
Copy !req
388. You got the background, skill...
Copy !req
389. Exactly.
Copy !req
390. But your daughter? You'd do anything
to protect her. You're not stupid.
Copy !req
391. You take out Bancroft, sooner or later,
someone like me will show up.
Copy !req
392. You go down for it,
she's alone in the world.
Copy !req
393. What's Jack?
Copy !req
394. - I'm not telling you fuck all.
- Okay.
Copy !req
395. You're just gonna leave?
Copy !req
396. That's, um, for the cereal.
Copy !req
397. And the door.
Copy !req
398. Sorry about the door.
Copy !req
399. Welcome to the Battle of Stronghold.
Copy !req
400. Experience the brutality
of Envoy terrorists
Copy !req
401. murdering countless women and children.
Copy !req
402. Witness the Protectorate courage
and triumph.
Copy !req
403. I knew I shouldn't go...
Copy !req
404. 'cause when the victors rewrite history,
it's just another kind of war,
Copy !req
405. waged after the battlefield killing
is done...
Copy !req
406. to murder the memory of the defeated.
Copy !req
407. But it was a chance to see her again.
Copy !req
408. Not as a dream or a hallucination.
Copy !req
409. I thought it would give me
a moment of peace.
Copy !req
410. I should have known better.
Copy !req
411. Hey.
Copy !req
412. You're not supposed to have that.
Copy !req
413. We're learning about Songspires in school.
They're rare.
Copy !req
414. Where'd you get it?
Copy !req
415. I stole it.
Copy !req
416. Oh.
Copy !req
417. You're not supposed to
steal things either.
Copy !req
418. Well, someone... stole these stacks.
Copy !req
419. They used to be people.
Copy !req
420. They were Envoy terrorists
that wanted to kill—
Copy !req
421. Maybe you should catch up with your group.
Copy !req
422. I don't wanna. Emmeline is there.
Copy !req
423. She's the new girl in our class,
and she's a bitch.
Copy !req
424. She stole my best friend Monica.
Copy !req
425. Me and Monica have been
best friends forever.
Copy !req
426. - Hmm.
- Since we were little kids.
Copy !req
427. But then, Emmeline came along
and stole her from me.
Copy !req
428. I'm devastated.
Copy !req
429. Mom said grudges are stupid.
Copy !req
430. She said you had to let them go
or else it would kill your soul.
Copy !req
431. What do you think?
Copy !req
432. I think your mom doesn't know
what the fuck she's talking about.
Copy !req
433. - What?
- See, friends are overrated,
Copy !req
434. 'cause eventually, someone will come along
and shoot 'em in the stack.
Copy !req
435. You're better off alone.
Copy !req
436. Welcome home.
Copy !req
437. Hi, Mama.
Copy !req
438. Just let yourself in anytime you want.
Copy !req
439. You don't have any food in here.
Copy !req
440. No one will respect a skinny girl cop.
Copy !req
441. I'm not going to let you
get yourself killed
Copy !req
442. because you wouldn't eat an enchilada.
Copy !req
443. Look at this mess.
When are you going to unpack?
Copy !req
444. I'm busy, that's all.
Copy !req
445. Too busy to put away your underwear?
Copy !req
446. I like it like this.
Copy !req
447. You're waiting for someone to come
and help you unpack,
Copy !req
448. and it's not your mother.
Copy !req
449. You know, you could always move
to someplace that's really yours.
Copy !req
450. Ana Luisa from the cleaners,
Copy !req
451. she told me there's a whole block
of new places near the Tenderloin.
Copy !req
452. No, no, Mama. This is my place.
Copy !req
453. I'm staying.
Copy !req
454. Yes, of course.
Copy !req
455. What do I know?
Copy !req
456. I'm just an old-fashioned woman.
Out of touch.
Copy !req
457. I've only got this life, and I'm not
planning to have another one.
Copy !req
458. Not this again.
Copy !req
459. How am I supposed to explain this
to your brothers and sisters?
Copy !req
460. Everyone at church?
Copy !req
461. To your father, God rest his soul?
Copy !req
462. That you've renounced
your religious coding.
Copy !req
463. Like you said, Papa's dead.
That should limit the explaining.
Copy !req
464. Sit down. We're going to eat.
Copy !req
465. Without your coding, you can be
spun back up after your body dies.
Copy !req
466. It's wrong.
Copy !req
467. You can't take your communion.
Copy !req
468. Father Huerta can't hear your confession.
Copy !req
469. When Papa died,
Copy !req
470. and we couldn't ask him what happened
or how it happened—
Copy !req
471. Your father was a devout man.
Copy !req
472. He would have never wanted
to be spun back up.
Copy !req
473. I know.
Copy !req
474. But if it were me?
Copy !req
475. - If it was me, what would you do?
Copy !req
476. What would you do, Mama?
Copy !req
477. Okay. I'll tell you, Kristin.
Copy !req
478. My heart would break
into a thousand pieces.
Copy !req
479. It would shatter my world.
Copy !req
480. I would cry enough
to fill up the oceans of the world.
Copy !req
481. And I still...
Copy !req
482. don't want you to risk your soul.
Copy !req
483. Now that the 653 stupidity is over,
Copy !req
484. there won't be any more talk
of spinning up the dead.
Copy !req
485. Fuck!
Copy !req
486. Don't say swear words.
Copy !req
487. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
488. Lieutenant Ortega,
target has entered Licktown.
Copy !req
489. Shit.
Copy !req
490. What is that, Kristin?
I gotta go.
Copy !req
491. I gotta go. Thank you.
Copy !req
492. Are you supposed
to have that at home?
Copy !req
493. Thanks for dinner!
I love you.
Copy !req
494. Wake up and smell the coffee.
Copy !req
495. Wake up and smell the coffee.
Copy !req
496. - Wake up and smell the coffee.
Copy !req
497. Welcome to Jack It Off.
Copy !req
498. Leave the piece with me.
Copy !req
499. Cabin 102.
Copy !req
500. Take a towel from the pile,
and don't fucking steal it.
Copy !req
501. Do you want to see me?
I'm right here, baby.
Copy !req
502. Just a few credits.
Copy !req
503. Now, do you want to touch me?
Copy !req
504. Tell me what you want, honey.
Copy !req
505. - What's your name?
Copy !req
506. Anemone.
Copy !req
507. Do you wanna fuck me?
Copy !req
508. Put your cock in me?
Copy !req
509. Anywhere you want.
Copy !req
510. Do you remember a girl...
I think she used to work here.
Copy !req
511. No girl who used to work here
is gonna do what I can do for you.
Copy !req
512. Her name was Lizzie.
Copy !req
513. Lizzie Elliot.
Copy !req
514. - The fuck is this? You the sia?
- No.
Copy !req
515. Get out, before I call for help.
Copy !req
516. I'm Ava. Ava Elliot. Her mother.
Copy !req
517. Bullshit.
Lizzie's mom is in the store.
Copy !req
518. You're just another fucking John,
and I am going to scream.
Copy !req
519. Wait, wait, wait!
Copy !req
520. I'm cross-sleeved, but I'm her mother.
Copy !req
521. You're fucking lying.
Copy !req
522. I'm not lying.
Someone gave me a job, and...
Copy !req
523. took me off ice,
and then put me in this sleeve.
Copy !req
524. It's wetwork.
Copy !req
525. If I do it, I'll get a new sleeve
for me and for Lizzie.
Copy !req
526. You...
Copy !req
527. You'd do that?
Copy !req
528. I'd do anything for my little girl.
Copy !req
529. My mom would never...
Copy !req
530. But someone's blocking
Lizzie's resleeve, and I...
Copy !req
531. I don't know why.
Copy !req
532. That's why I have to find out
who killed her.
Copy !req
533. Do you know if Lizzie had any regulars?
Copy !req
534. Someone important? Any freaks?
Copy !req
535. Mrs. Elliot... everyone here is a freak.
Copy !req
536. Lizzie did have one regular.
Copy !req
537. - Do you know his name?
- No.
Copy !req
538. I don't know. But he's a rich guy, a Meth.
Copy !req
539. - Lizzie was his favorite.
- Did he hurt her?
Copy !req
540. No, no, he's not like that.
Copy !req
541. He takes care of his girls.
Copy !req
542. Takes care of them how?
Copy !req
543. Um...
Copy !req
544. What does he do?
Copy !req
545. Did he do that to you?
Copy !req
546. No. No, it's okay.
Copy !req
547. He's one of the good ones.
Copy !req
548. - If he breaks it, he buys it.
- What?
Copy !req
549. You know, if he accidentally kills a girl,
he buys her an upgraded sleeve.
Copy !req
550. I knew a girl once,
he resleeved her ten years younger,
Copy !req
551. and with a great set of tits, too.
Copy !req
552. Did Lizzie have a jealous boyfriend
Copy !req
553. that didn't like her spending time
with this regular?
Copy !req
554. Look, I liked Lizzie,
but we weren't that close.
Copy !req
555. I'll ask around.
Copy !req
556. Come here tomorrow.
Copy !req
557. Doesn't matter how much anyone pays you.
Copy !req
558. You shouldn't let anyone hurt you.
You're worth more than that.
Copy !req
559. My name's not Anemone, Mrs. Elliot.
Copy !req
560. It's Alice.
Copy !req
561. Thank you for visiting Jack It Off.
Copy !req
562. Hope you come again.
Copy !req
563. First thing you'll learn
is that nothing is what it seems.
Copy !req
564. Ignore your assumptions.
Copy !req
565. Don't trust anything.
Copy !req
566. Weapon.
Copy !req
567. - Ah-ah-ah. Just the charge cell.
- Okay.
Copy !req
568. You shouldn't have gone after my daughter.
Copy !req
569. I was just trying to find out
what happened to her.
Copy !req
570. You left a few things out.
Copy !req
571. You don't care about her.
Copy !req
572. I never said I did.
Copy !req
573. Heads up.
Copy !req
574. You can't possibly think I'm that stupid.
Copy !req
575. You shouldn't have come back.
Copy !req
576. Fuck!
Copy !req
577. BCPD. Lay down your weapons.
Copy !req
578. Who the hell are you? Police? CTAC?
Copy !req
579. 250 years ago, I was on the other side.
You might want to get out of the light.
Copy !req
580. Hands in the air!
Copy !req
581. You're under arrest for Organic Damage.
Copy !req
582. You're staying here tonight
where I can keep an eye on you.
Copy !req
583. You gonna tell me
why those guys jumped me?
Copy !req
584. You walk out of a whorehouse
dressed like that,
Copy !req
585. and you're shocked
that some lowlifes tried to mug you?
Copy !req
586. Really?
Copy !req
587. So, what, you gonna charge me?
Copy !req
588. For what?
Organic Damage to some Stiff dealers?
Copy !req
589. I'm too tired to do the paperwork.
Copy !req
590. Tell me something, Kovacs.
Copy !req
591. You're getting to know more
about Bancroft.
Copy !req
592. Why are you still willing to work
for that piece of shit?
Copy !req
593. Mmm, before I was an Envoy...
Copy !req
594. I worked for the Protectorate.
For a long time.
Copy !req
595. I didn't know that.
Copy !req
596. No one does. It's not the kind of work
that gets logged in any system anywhere.
Copy !req
597. And I was good at it.
Copy !req
598. You wanna know why?
Copy !req
599. Because I'm capable of almost anything.
Copy !req
600. You don't think it's possible to go so far
you can't come back?
Copy !req
601. Maybe.
Copy !req
602. When I get there, I'll let you know.
Copy !req
603. When you get there...
Copy !req
604. I'll be right next to you.
And I'll stop you.
Copy !req
605. Somehow, Ortega...
Copy !req
606. I get the feeling
you can't even stop yourself.
Copy !req
607. Sorry, Lieutenant. We have to release him.
Copy !req
608. This is not acceptable.
Copy !req
609. - Are you all right, Mr. Kovacs?
- He's just fucking fine.
Copy !req
610. I'll speak with Captain Tanaka
in the morning.
Copy !req
611. You've gone too far this time,
Lieutenant Ortega.
Copy !req
612. That's what I hear.
Copy !req
613. Cold chamber seven is empty.
Copy !req
614. You should know...
Copy !req
615. your mother loves you.
Copy !req
616. What do you mean
you promised to send Vicki flowers?
Copy !req
617. [man 2] The day of the murder,
I'd driven Vicki to the station
Copy !req
618. to get her train reservations.
Copy !req
619. [man 1] You were with Vicki
the afternoon she was killed?
Copy !req
620. [man 2] Yes.
Copy !req
621. [man 1] Why didn't you tell the police?
Copy !req
622. Nice outfit.
Copy !req
623. I've been researching the famous
gumshoe private dicks of the past
Copy !req
624. and I believe I can assist you
in the time-honored position
Copy !req
625. of the shamus' dependable
and steadfast partner. Hmm?
Copy !req
626. - The partner's frequently murdered.
Copy !req
627. Alas, me being an AI makes that, uh...
Copy !req
628. less likely.
Copy !req
629. No.
Copy !req
630. No?
Copy !req
631. "No" hardly qualifies as
the sardonic banter of the private eye.
Copy !req
632. How about, "Fuck, no"?
Copy !req
633. There's someone waiting for you
in the penthouse.
Copy !req
634. Why do you keep letting people
into my room?
Copy !req
635. I'm afraid I had no choice in the matter.
Copy !req
636. Why are you here?
Copy !req
637. I want to know what progress you've made.
Copy !req
638. I'm worried about my husband.
Copy !req
639. Your husband, who pays
to beat up whores in Licktown.
Copy !req
640. It's a complicated thing...
Copy !req
641. - Yeah?
- ... being with someone for over a century.
Copy !req
642. I've given Laurens 21 children.
Copy !req
643. He's never had a child with anyone but me.
Copy !req
644. Sometimes, complexity can be exhausting.
Copy !req
645. You fascinate me.
Copy !req
646. You come from a time of real bravery...
Copy !req
647. real risk.
Copy !req
648. You're everything this world has lost.
Copy !req
649. You twirl your fingers
when you're nervous, you know that?
Copy !req
650. Why would I be nervous?
Copy !req
651. It could be fear.
Copy !req
652. If I were afraid,
would you save me, Mr. Kovacs?
Copy !req
653. I'm not sure you need saving.
Copy !req
654. Have you been with anyone
since you've been decanted?
Copy !req
655. Not what we're talking about.
Copy !req
656. Maybe that's not
what you're talking about.
Copy !req
657. I think that's enough.
Copy !req
658. Enough?
Copy !req
659. It's an interesting word.
Copy !req
660. I'm not familiar with it.
Copy !req
661. Have you heard of Empathin?
Copy !req
662. Merge9 on the street.
That is if you can even get it.
Copy !req
663. It's a biochemical pheromone.
Copy !req
664. Puts bodies in touch with one other.
Copy !req
665. This sleeve is state-of-the-art
biochemtech from Nakamura Labs.
Copy !req
666. I secrete Merge9 when I'm aroused.
Copy !req
667. It's in my saliva...
Copy !req
668. in my sweat...
Copy !req
669. in my cunt.
Copy !req
670. Don't fight it.
Copy !req
671. Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.
Copy !req
672. I've had lustful thoughts.
Copy !req
673. Everything you feel... I feel.
Copy !req
674. And everything I feel, you feel.
Copy !req
675. I've done terrible things,
violent things...
Copy !req
676. unforgivable things.
Copy !req
677. What the fuck?
Copy !req
678. The hell have you been?
Copy !req
679. I've abused my authority
for selfish reasons...
Copy !req
680. caused pain and heartbreak
when I had no right.
Copy !req
681. Please forgive me.
Copy !req
682. The moments of peace
that we find sometimes...
Copy !req
683. they aren't anything but warfare,
thinly disguised.
Copy !req
684. And sometimes, surrender...
Copy !req
685. can be as savage as any attack.
Copy !req