1. - Oh, shit.
Copy !req
2. Oh, shit. No, no. No.
Copy !req
3. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
4. Kristin.
Copy !req
5. Mama?
Copy !req
6. Mama?
Copy !req
7. Mama, where are you?
Copy !req
8. Kristin.
Copy !req
9. - Kristin. Kristin...
- Mama. Mama. Mama.
Copy !req
10. It's gonna be okay.
It's gonna be okay.
Copy !req
11. I promise, it's gonna be okay.
Copy !req
12. - It's gonna be okay.
Copy !req
13. What?
Copy !req
14. He's behind you.
Copy !req
15. You defy a god.
Copy !req
16. You defy a god.
Copy !req
17. You defy a god.
Copy !req
18. Where are you?
Copy !req
19. Where are you?
Copy !req
20. Come on!
Copy !req
21. Punishment must fit the transgression.
Copy !req
22. What do you mean, pendejo?
Copy !req
23. This isn't real. This is a construct.
Copy !req
24. Everything you've seen is real.
Copy !req
25. They're all dead.
I recorded it for you to relive.
Copy !req
26. - How many times have I done this?
- Quite a few. But we are far from done.
Copy !req
27. I erase it and we start again.
Copy !req
28. No. No. No.
Copy !req
29. No!
Copy !req
30. No.
Copy !req
31. This is a construct.
Copy !req
32. How many times have I done this?
Copy !req
33. Not nearly enough.
Copy !req
34. No.
Copy !req
35. No.
Copy !req
36. Let me out!
Copy !req
37. Do you hear me?
Copy !req
38. Can anyone hear me? Let me out!
Copy !req
39. Let me out!
Copy !req
40. Tak!
Copy !req
41. There are no guns on this ship
except mine.
Copy !req
42. Don't.
Copy !req
43. Triggered against a stack,
Copy !req
44. those batons have enough current
to cause mental damage.
Copy !req
45. A few seconds longer, real death,
so I suggest you stay still.
Copy !req
46. Shit.
Copy !req
47. It's true.
Copy !req
48. Damn Ava Elliot.
Copy !req
49. It's all my idea.
She's doing what I asked.
Copy !req
50. Don't think for a second
you haven't broken my heart by doing it.
Copy !req
51. Do I sound the alarm?
Alert the ship's staff?
Copy !req
52. No.
Copy !req
53. We give his people no warning
he's been caught.
Copy !req
54. Trace the satellite hack.
Copy !req
55. If it came from that hotel,
I want that AI reduced to nanodust.
Copy !req
56. Bring the others here.
Copy !req
57. - Rei, just listen to me.
Copy !req
58. You never listened to me.
Copy !req
59. When you joined the Protectorate,
when the yakuza bought me,
Copy !req
60. even when you said yes to the Envoys,
you made all the decisions.
Copy !req
61. It ends here.
Copy !req
62. The pulse blew out everything.
Copy !req
63. It's not rebooting. I can't get a signal.
Copy !req
64. - I know.
- Then why are you not worried?
Copy !req
65. Because I skipped over worry
Copy !req
66. - and went straight to full-on panic.
- Huh.
Copy !req
67. - Are you sure that the dip went through?
- Yeah. I burnt that bitch down.
Copy !req
68. You should not have done that.
Copy !req
69. Why didn't your sensors tell you
that I had come inside?
Copy !req
70. Perhaps there's a malfunction
in your systems?
Copy !req
71. What...
Copy !req
72. is happening?
Copy !req
73. Electron destabilizer.
Copy !req
74. No.
Copy !req
75. Miss Elizabeth?
Copy !req
76. Ah.
Copy !req
77. They're killing me in the real.
Copy !req
78. You cannot stay here.
They will come for you.
Copy !req
79. They were always coming.
Copy !req
80. Give me your hand.
I'll send you onto the Array.
Copy !req
81. - You'll be safe.
- No.
Copy !req
82. - No time to argue.
- I'll go, but I don't run away anymore.
Copy !req
83. I run toward.
Copy !req
84. Send me up to the sky.
Copy !req
85. - I cannot let you—
- I know the tree now,
Copy !req
86. the branches spreading in every direction.
And I can see them all.
Copy !req
87. AIs are easy to kill with the right tools.
Copy !req
88. If you don't send me, they catch me.
Copy !req
89. What is it that you see?
Copy !req
90. Salvation.
Copy !req
91. Death.
Copy !req
92. Mickey!
Copy !req
93. You shot him through the stack,
you son of a bitch!
Copy !req
94. Retribution.
Copy !req
95. Perhaps you could tell me
in what order?
Copy !req
96. It's time for you to send me away.
Copy !req
97. - I can't.
- You can.
Copy !req
98. You do.
Copy !req
99. You already have.
Copy !req
100. You gave me so much.
Copy !req
101. Whatever it means to be human, Eddie...
you are.
Copy !req
102. You don't deserve to be called human,
you despicable creature.
Copy !req
103. And you are a dead machine walking.
Copy !req
104. Mmm-mmm.
Copy !req
105. Then I will see you in hell.
Copy !req
106. I'm sending your mind
to Head in the Clouds.
Copy !req
107. Be careful, Lizzie.
Copy !req
108. You shouldn't be afraid for me.
Copy !req
109. You should be afraid for the monsters.
Copy !req
110. "And neither the angels in heaven above,
Copy !req
111. nor the demons down under the sea,
Copy !req
112. can ever dissever my soul
Copy !req
113. from the soul of the beautiful..."
Copy !req
114. Whose stack is this?
Copy !req
115. I should say "was."
Copy !req
116. DHF is dark. No one's in here.
Copy !req
117. Whoever this was,
you won't be seeing them again.
Copy !req
118. Let's go.
Copy !req
119. Hey!
Copy !req
120. There's no one on the roster
to boot up in a synth tonight.
Copy !req
121. You're not supposed to be in there.
Copy !req
122. Let me guess.
Copy !req
123. Your boyfriend wants you
in some premium silicone?
Copy !req
124. Hmm?
Copy !req
125. It's Braeman in engineering, isn't it?
Copy !req
126. Yeah.
Copy !req
127. I'm not gonna report you.
Copy !req
128. I always wanted to try one of these out.
Copy !req
129. Hey. I don't like that look.
Copy !req
130. You act like you want it.
Copy !req
131. Oh, honey, you don't like this model?
Copy !req
132. I can be anyone you want.
Copy !req
133. No. Let me through!
Copy !req
134. Tanaka!
Copy !req
135. I need to talk to...
I need to talk to you.
Copy !req
136. Can't go by here, ma'am.
- Please!
Copy !req
137. This is a crime scene.
You've got no business here.
Copy !req
138. Not with me. Not anymore.
Copy !req
139. Because they still pay you?
Copy !req
140. Still think you're better than me.
Copy !req
141. Careful.
Copy !req
142. Or what? I'll fall from grace?
Copy !req
143. That's what you're worried about, right?
That you'll lose what you've got?
Copy !req
144. Your safety, your job, your life.
Copy !req
145. Let me tell you, Captain,
you already have.
Copy !req
146. I think you're confusing me with yourself.
Copy !req
147. I came here to try to do the right thing.
Copy !req
148. Now, I know you have no reason
to trust me,
Copy !req
149. but I believe you have a core of decency
and I am trying to find mine.
Copy !req
150. Whatever you want from me...
Copy !req
151. I can't.
Copy !req
152. Get her out of here.
Copy !req
153. I know where she is,
because I know who has her.
Copy !req
154. All you have to do is ask me.
Copy !req
155. Ask me where Ortega is.
Copy !req
156. Hey. Hey. It's okay. Hey. Hey.
Copy !req
157. - Hey.
- Kovacs?
Copy !req
158. Kristin... Kristin...
Copy !req
159. - I'll fucking kill you!
Copy !req
160. You bitch!
Copy !req
161. - Let go of me!
- I'll do whatever you want.
Copy !req
162. Good. Choose which one of them
gets their stack blown out.
Copy !req
163. Or I'll have them all killed right now.
Copy !req
164. - Don't do this.
I'm not going to.
Copy !req
165. - You are.
- What?
Copy !req
166. There's one bullet.
Copy !req
167. One.
Copy !req
168. Choose.
Copy !req
169. This isn't about them. It's about us.
Copy !req
170. You made it about them.
Copy !req
171. It's time for you to evolve.
Copy !req
172. Transformation is always painful.
Copy !req
173. But I changed to make myself stronger.
Copy !req
174. You can, too.
Copy !req
175. All you have to do is pick one.
Copy !req
176. This is real power.
Copy !req
177. Cutting away the things
that make you weak one at a time.
Copy !req
178. Embrace that power.
Copy !req
179. Be on the winning side.
Copy !req
180. Let 'em go...
Copy !req
181. or you'll lose everything.
Copy !req
182. Come back to me, Tak.
Copy !req
183. Please...
Copy !req
184. You won't do it.
Copy !req
185. Wait. Please!
Copy !req
186. You think I'd give you a loaded gun?
Copy !req
187. - You'd risk your life for them?
Copy !req
188. You think you love her, don't you?
Copy !req
189. I can't stand this fucking asshole.
Copy !req
190. Right. You're hopelessly unavailable
and doomed to die.
Copy !req
191. You really do have a type.
Copy !req
192. - So I'll kill her first.
- No, no. Wait, wait.
Copy !req
193. Don't.
Copy !req
194. Okay.
Copy !req
195. Okay. I'll stay.
Copy !req
196. It'll just be the two of us.
Just like it was.
Copy !req
197. Just let 'em go.
Copy !req
198. - It's a start.
Copy !req
199. Take them away.
Copy !req
200. I'm saving them for you.
You're gonna kill each one of them.
Copy !req
201. And by the time you do,
you won't even care.
Copy !req
202. Who are you?
Copy !req
203. I paid for this floor to be clear.
Copy !req
204. I didn't dial for the S and M package.
Copy !req
205. Although, maybe I'll just take it anyway.
Copy !req
206. It's on the house.
Copy !req
207. I've done everything I can
to try and get you to understand.
Copy !req
208. I've acted like the little girl
you miss so much.
Copy !req
209. I'm out of patience.
Copy !req
210. - Fight and your fireflies pay.
What are you doing?
Copy !req
211. Taking out that wirecam.
Copy !req
212. No one's ever gonna see that recording.
Copy !req
213. And while we're at it,
let's get rid of that sleeve.
Copy !req
214. - No.
I'm a Meth.
Copy !req
215. We take what we want, when we want.
Copy !req
216. Like the Ortega children?
Copy !req
217. They were raw material.
Copy !req
218. A means to an end
to get the respect I'm owed.
Copy !req
219. They were kids. Just like we were.
Copy !req
220. You think I wear this because I miss her?
Copy !req
221. I don't miss her.
Copy !req
222. I hate her.
Copy !req
223. Mom was weak. She deserved to die.
Copy !req
224. I keep this as a reminder
never to be like her.
Copy !req
225. Rei-chan...
Copy !req
226. Don't call me that.
I'm not that pathetic little girl anymore.
Copy !req
227. I killed her...
Copy !req
228. and became something stronger.
Copy !req
229. Faster.
Can't go faster.
Copy !req
230. - You fucking stabbed—
He's bleeding. Okay? He's hurt.
Copy !req
231. All pain is instructional.
It warns you, "Don't do this."
Copy !req
232. - Perhaps you should have listened.
Copy !req
233. You're not authorized to be in this area.
Return to your room.
Copy !req
234. Get to Kovacs! Go!
Copy !req
235. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
236. Lizzie?
Copy !req
237. I'm gonna show you how much I love you.
Copy !req
238. I'm sorry for all the times I failed you.
Copy !req
239. I'm gonna eat you up.
Copy !req
240. Hold him still.
Copy !req
241. This ship, I'm going to kill it.
Copy !req
242. All the systems
run through these terminals.
Copy !req
243. She's gonna cut the main power
and the backups,
Copy !req
244. and we have to throw all three relays
at the same moment.
Copy !req
245. The Elliots are gonna bring
this fucker down.
Copy !req
246. Flip the switches when I say.
Copy !req
247. Ready? Steady? Go.
Copy !req
248. Kovacs!
Copy !req
249. Warning. This aircraft
has suffered a catastrophic power loss.
Copy !req
250. Please evacuate.
Copy !req
251. No more dead children.
Copy !req
252. Who's gonna stop me?
Copy !req
253. This aircraft will begin
to lose altitude in less than ten minutes.
Copy !req
254. Please evacuate immediately.
Copy !req
255. - Your mother prayed to God when she died.
Copy !req
256. Where's your God now?
Copy !req
257. You'll meet him soon enough, you bastard.
Copy !req
258. I'll kill you before I let you put me
in a cage.
Copy !req
259. - Everybody off this ship! Let's go. Move!
Copy !req
260. This aircraft will begin
to lose altitude...
Copy !req
261. - ... in five minutes.
Copy !req
262. Don't!
Copy !req
263. He's mine.
Copy !req
264. What are you doing?
You're bought and paid for.
Copy !req
265. Not today.
Copy !req
266. No, please.
Copy !req
267. My mother prayed to God,
and he put you in my arms.
Copy !req
268. Please.
Copy !req
269. So tell me...
Copy !req
270. are you a believer, motherfucker?
Copy !req
271. Kovacs!
Copy !req
272. - Kovacs! Can you hear me?
Copy !req
273. - Kovacs!
- Reileen Kawahara!
Copy !req
274. Open the door! BCPD!
Copy !req
275. - You are under arrest!
Kovacs, can you hear me?
Copy !req
276. - Can you hear me?
Get back. Get back.
Copy !req
277. They'll never get in.
Copy !req
278. Then we stay here.
Copy !req
279. We crash, but you'll still stand trial.
Copy !req
280. I'm not going on ice.
Copy !req
281. Warning. This aircraft
will begin to lose altitude...
Copy !req
282. in three minutes.
Copy !req
283. Help me.
Copy !req
284. We can make it out to the hull,
over to the escape pods.
Copy !req
285. You might as well shoot me.
Copy !req
286. Help me and I'll give you back Quell.
Copy !req
287. What?
Copy !req
288. I backed her up.
Right before the explosion.
Copy !req
289. She didn't even know.
Copy !req
290. It's the unanswered question.
Copy !req
291. The mystery that needs to be solved.
Copy !req
292. Where is she?
Copy !req
293. Her DHF is hidden.
You'll never find her without me.
Copy !req
294. You can have her back.
Copy !req
295. Everything she knew, everything she was,
right up to the last moment.
Copy !req
296. You saw me.
Copy !req
297. You heard me.
Copy !req
298. Because deep in your mind...
Copy !req
299. I always knew.
Copy !req
300. Help me escape and she's yours.
Copy !req
301. I can't.
Copy !req
302. You can't.
Copy !req
303. Do what I say
or you'll never get her back.
Copy !req
304. Never see her again.
Copy !req
305. You've become everything
we fought against.
Copy !req
306. Go on. Do it.
Copy !req
307. I'll never stop.
Copy !req
308. I'll never stop.
Copy !req
309. - Kovacs!
Copy !req
310. No. No. Kovacs!
Copy !req
311. Kovacs, fucking answer me! Answer me!
Copy !req
312. Kovacs?
Copy !req
313. - Kovacs?
- Kristin?
Copy !req
314. - Goodbye.
Copy !req
315. Listen to me.
Copy !req
316. Listen to me,
you've gotta get out of there.
Copy !req
317. You've gotta get out of there.
Copy !req
318. I'm staying with her.
Copy !req
319. This aircraft
will begin to lose altitude in
Copy !req
320. - one minute.
- Come on. Come on, get out of there.
Copy !req
321. Please, open the door. Please? Come on.
Copy !req
322. Please just make it worth something.
Copy !req
323. I'm not leaving without you.
Come on.
Copy !req
324. Kristin, go!
Copy !req
325. No!
Copy !req
326. Come on.
- No!
Copy !req
327. She was my sister...
Copy !req
328. and I loved her.
Copy !req
329. She lost her path.
Copy !req
330. But in her own way, she loved you back.
Copy !req
331. Warning.
This aircraft is now losing altitude.
Copy !req
332. I'll stay, Tak.
Copy !req
333. I'll always be with you.
Copy !req
334. Tell me a story.
Copy !req
335. Something that doesn't end
in death and tragedy.
Copy !req
336. Long ago,
Copy !req
337. and worlds away,
Copy !req
338. there was a young princess,
Copy !req
339. orphaned in a time of war.
Copy !req
340. She was called upon
to lead the armies of her kingdom,
Copy !req
341. for there was no other.
Copy !req
342. She was the fiercest of warriors,
Copy !req
343. beloved of her people,
unstoppable on the field.
Copy !req
344. She rode out every day
and saved her subjects
Copy !req
345. in battle after battle.
Copy !req
346. But every night,
when the fighting was done,
Copy !req
347. she was alone.
Copy !req
348. Until one day, a peasant boy came
looking to join her army.
Copy !req
349. Lonely and angry and fierce as she.
Copy !req
350. For the first time,
Copy !req
351. she found that when she strode out
onto the field to save others,
Copy !req
352. there was someone at her side
who had come to save her.
Copy !req
353. Then there came
the darkest battle of the war.
Copy !req
354. The princess and her peasant boy stood,
side by side,
Copy !req
355. and vowed that they would be separated
by nothing less than death itself.
Copy !req
356. She fell to an enemy sword...
Copy !req
357. and died before his eyes.
Copy !req
358. And those who heard the story cried
for the death of love.
Copy !req
359. This is an unusual situation, Mr. Kovacs.
Copy !req
360. We were able to pull your stack
from the wreckage in the bay,
Copy !req
361. but your sleeve was killed on impact.
Copy !req
362. So that's why we're in virtual.
Copy !req
363. That's part of what's unusual.
Copy !req
364. Your counterpart has refused
to be debriefed in the real.
Copy !req
365. Well, I've been on an island getting laid
and he crashed and died,
Copy !req
366. so the least I could do was share
the same shitty virtual questioning.
Copy !req
367. - It's a solidarity thing.
- That would be exactly the problem.
Copy !req
368. Although there's a pardon
for Takeshi Kovacs,
Copy !req
369. it's only for one of you.
Copy !req
370. The UN has taken over
this investigation
Copy !req
371. due to the sensitive nature
of what you've uncovered,
Copy !req
372. and while we're grateful for the service
you've both done for the Protectorate
Copy !req
373. in exposing this criminal activity...
Copy !req
374. We can't allow two Kovacs DHFs
to survive. It's illegal.
Copy !req
375. So one of us has gotta die.
Copy !req
376. It'll be your decision.
Copy !req
377. - Together.
- All right, let me talk to him.
Copy !req
378. And I choose the construct.
Copy !req
379. The look on her face.
Copy !req
380. The look on her face
when I pulled the trigger.
Copy !req
381. It was almost relief.
Copy !req
382. Maybe she realized what she'd become.
Copy !req
383. A way for her to let go.
Copy !req
384. You saw her eyes.
Copy !req
385. Could you tell?
Copy !req
386. I don't know.
Copy !req
387. And I don't think I ever will.
Copy !req
388. We gotta decide whose memories to keep,
yours or mine.
Copy !req
389. That's a funny way to ask
which one of us is gonna die.
Copy !req
390. Play for it?
Copy !req
391. Rock, paper, scissors?
Copy !req
392. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.
Copy !req
393. Let perpetual light shine upon them.
Copy !req
394. May their souls
and all the souls of the departed...
Copy !req
395. through the mercy of God...
Copy !req
396. rest in peace.
Copy !req
397. - Amen.
Copy !req
398. How?
Copy !req
399. I was double-sleeved.
Copy !req
400. One of us died.
Copy !req
401. Which one are you?
Copy !req
402. The one you said goodbye to.
Copy !req
403. Mmm.
- It's beautiful, Miriam. Stunning.
Copy !req
404. I can't believe that I am looking
at the fossil of an actual Elder.
Copy !req
405. Mmm-hmm.
Copy !req
406. It makes you wonder if memories
of Elder civilization
Copy !req
407. are what gave us the idea for angels.
Copy !req
408. He slagged his own stack.
Copy !req
409. He has an archaic streak.
You'd call it honor.
Copy !req
410. The fool wanted to forget,
Copy !req
411. as if that would make him clean
of what he'd done.
Copy !req
412. Explosive allegations implicating
Laurens Bancroft,
Copy !req
413. Meth mogul and one of the richest men
of the Settled Worlds,
Copy !req
414. in murder and sleeve death.
Copy !req
415. The crash last week of Head in the Clouds,
one of the Houses,
Copy !req
416. is said to be related.
Copy !req
417. It's alleged Bancroft killed himself
Copy !req
418. in an attempt to escape feeling guilt
for his crime,
Copy !req
419. but not until after
he illegally influenced
Copy !req
420. the members of the UN Court
to defeat Resolution 653.
Copy !req
421. Pressure is mounting in the court
to reconsider 653,
Copy !req
422. which would allow victims
to testify against their killers,
Copy !req
423. even if they have religious coding
on their stacks.
Copy !req
424. Laurens, whatever you've done...
Copy !req
425. I'll stand by you.
Copy !req
426. I...
Copy !req
427. I may be many things,
but I am not a murderer.
Copy !req
428. - Of course.
Copy !req
429. Prescott didn't kill you.
Copy !req
430. Get out.
Copy !req
431. You were alone in this room.
Copy !req
432. You weren't insane. Just a coward.
Copy !req
433. No.
Copy !req
434. No, I know who I am.
Copy !req
435. And in essence, I am a decent man.
Copy !req
436. You're about to be arrested
for the real death of Lena Rentang.
Copy !req
437. I don't even know who that is.
Copy !req
438. That's 'cause you blew out your own stack
to forget about her.
Copy !req
439. So this criminal Kawahara woman
makes up a story and it gets on the feeds.
Copy !req
440. No one will believe it.
Copy !req
441. They'll believe Mary Lou Henchy.
Copy !req
442. See, Reileen had her stack,
and they just pulled it out of the bay.
Copy !req
443. As soon as 653 moves forward,
Mary Lou's gonna talk.
Copy !req
444. I mean, even if you're right,
that I real death'd that girl...
Copy !req
445. the person who did that is dead.
I destroyed him.
Copy !req
446. You erased the memory, not the act.
Copy !req
447. This cannot be the man I am.
Copy !req
448. You lived too long.
Copy !req
449. I believed...
Copy !req
450. I believed I had a line I would not cross.
Copy !req
451. I believed I had a conscience.
Copy !req
452. To put a gun to your own head
when you want to live...
Copy !req
453. that takes the will of a demon.
Copy !req
454. You thought you were a god.
You're more like the devil himself.
Copy !req
455. Sir, police are waiting downstairs.
Copy !req
456. Look after the family, Isaac.
Copy !req
457. I'll leave everything to you.
Copy !req
458. As I should have done, a long time ago.
Copy !req
459. I surrender myself
for the crimes I have committed.
Copy !req
460. We're not done here.
Copy !req
461. Right, Miriam?
Copy !req
462. What?
Copy !req
463. - What's he talking about, darling?
- I certainly have no idea.
Copy !req
464. - Haven't you done enough, Mr. Kovacs?
Copy !req
465. - What is this person doing in my house?
- Lizzie?
Copy !req
466. Say what you came to say.
Copy !req
467. For the longest time,
I couldn't remember what happened to me.
Copy !req
468. I couldn't even speak.
Copy !req
469. But I can now.
Copy !req
470. I got pregnant.
Copy !req
471. I came up here to tell you,
but you weren't here.
Copy !req
472. She was.
Copy !req
473. - Whore.
- You watch what you say to my daughter!
Copy !req
474. You hit me and you kicked me
and you kept kicking me.
Copy !req
475. I remember it all.
Copy !req
476. That's a lie.
Copy !req
477. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
478. I only wanted to talk to her.
Copy !req
479. I offered her money.
I offered her anything she wanted,
Copy !req
480. if she'd just get rid of it.
Copy !req
481. I got angry.
Copy !req
482. It was an accident.
Copy !req
483. You took my baby from me!
Copy !req
484. You had to have her stopped
from getting spun back up.
Copy !req
485. You asked me to get you a fixer.
So I got you the best.
Copy !req
486. So Reileen took her
to the Wei Clinic, drove her crazy,
Copy !req
487. and dumped her in an alley.
Copy !req
488. The cops didn't care
about another sleeve-dead hooker,
Copy !req
489. so no one found out about the baby.
Copy !req
490. Oh, for God's sake, Miriam.
Copy !req
491. You don't understand.
Copy !req
492. The children are all I have.
Copy !req
493. The children are mine!
Copy !req
494. But then Reileen wanted something back,
so she had you drug your husband.
Copy !req
495. It was you?
Copy !req
496. It was you who betrayed me?
Copy !req
497. Don't you talk to me about betrayal.
Copy !req
498. You did this to me.
Copy !req
499. We have ruined each other.
Copy !req
500. Haven't we?
Copy !req
501. Miriam Bancroft, you're under arrest
for the sleeve death of Elizabeth Elliot
Copy !req
502. and the forcible termination
of her pregnancy against her will.
Copy !req
503. Ava Elliot was pardoned.
Copy !req
504. I paid off her sleeve mortgage,
and got her her real body back.
Copy !req
505. Lizzie kept the synth.
Copy !req
506. When anyone asks her why, she says,
"Because it's not real."
Copy !req
507. And she doesn't know if she is, either.
Copy !req
508. 653 passed.
The dead could now accuse their murderers.
Copy !req
509. The world changed. For all of us.
Copy !req
510. - There's nothing left to unpack.
Copy !req
511. - We can't be done.
Copy !req
512. - Do you think he'll like it?
Copy !req
513. He's a lucky guy.
Copy !req
514. You're the reason why he was cleared.
That's not luck.
Copy !req
515. He was cleared 'cause he was innocent.
Copy !req
516. He deserves to get his life back.
Copy !req
517. Everything he lost.
Copy !req
518. And after you turn Ryker's sleeve in...
Copy !req
519. where will you go?
Copy !req
520. I don't know.
Copy !req
521. I don't know anything...
Copy !req
522. except that she's still alive.
Copy !req
523. Good luck, Takeshi Kovacs.
Copy !req
524. After his princess died,
Copy !req
525. the peasant boy wandered the world...
Copy !req
526. lost to despair.
Copy !req
527. Until one day, he came upon an immortal
Copy !req
528. who told him his princess
had been stolen,
Copy !req
529. trapped in an enchantment.
Copy !req
530. So now he seeks her,
across this world and every other.
Copy !req
531. Because somewhere,
Copy !req
532. sealed behind frozen glass
and thick walls of deadly thorns,
Copy !req
533. she sleeps...
Copy !req
534. waiting to be awakened.
Copy !req
535. And someday, without fail,
he will find her.
Copy !req