1. Faster
than a speeding bullet...
Copy !req
2. more powerful
than a locomotive...
Copy !req
3. able to leap tall buildings
at a single bound...
Copy !req
4. Look! Up in the
sky! It's a bird!
Copy !req
5. It's a plane!
It's Superman!
Copy !req
6. Yes, it's Superman, strange
visitor from another planet
Copy !req
7. who came to Earth
with powers and abilities
Copy !req
8. far beyond those of mortal men.
Copy !req
9. Superman, who can change
the course of mighty rivers,
Copy !req
10. bend steel in his bare hands,
Copy !req
11. and who, disguised
as Clark Kent,
Copy !req
12. mild-mannered reporter for a
great metropolitan newspaper,
Copy !req
13. fights a never-ending battle
Copy !req
14. for truth, justice and
the American way!
Copy !req
15. And now, another
exciting episode
Copy !req
16. in The Adventures of Superman!
Copy !req
17. I've warned you
about this hole, Pop.
Copy !req
18. It's all right.
'Tain't fell in yet.
Copy !req
19. Look at that. Let's
get out of here.
Copy !req
20. That's a deathtrap in
there. I'm condemning it.
Copy !req
21. Now, wait a minute.
You can't do that.
Copy !req
22. Oh, I can't, eh?
Copy !req
23. I'll show you
whether I can or not.
Copy !req
24. Huh.
Copy !req
25. What about my new tunnel?
Copy !req
26. I'm drifting right
off the main lead.
Copy !req
27. Then you'd better
forget about it.
Copy !req
28. Because if I catch
you using that hole,
Copy !req
29. I'll have you locked up.
Copy !req
30. That's confiscation of property!
Copy !req
31. I won't stand for it!
Copy !req
32. That's it, Carbide. Three miles.
Copy !req
33. Let's go.
Copy !req
34. Well, there's the office.
Copy !req
35. Mighty nice of the chief
Copy !req
36. to give us such nice
soft assignments.
Copy !req
37. What's soft about tramping
around in dirty old coalmines?
Copy !req
38. Lois, maybe you'll
find a diamond.
Copy !req
39. Mr. Sims? Yes.
Copy !req
40. I'm Clark Kent, and
this is Miss Lane.
Copy !req
41. We're from the Daily Planet.
Copy !req
42. Oh, yes, yes. I'm
glad to see you.
Copy !req
43. I got your letter day
before yesterday.
Copy !req
44. Oh, here. Won't you
sit down, Miss Lane?
Copy !req
45. So, uh, you're
after a story, eh?
Copy !req
46. I hope it won't
inconvenience you too much,
Copy !req
47. showing me about.
Copy !req
48. No trouble at all.
Copy !req
49. But I warn you, there
isn't much to see.
Copy !req
50. Well, looks like you're
in safe hands, Lois.
Copy !req
51. I guess I'd better take off.
Aren't you staying, Mr. Kent?
Copy !req
52. No, as a matter of fact, I'm
on my way to Washington.
Copy !req
53. This is Lois' story. I just
dropped her on the way.
Copy !req
54. Will you pick me up on
your way back to Metropolis?
Copy !req
55. I don't know when
I'll get through.
Copy !req
56. If you finish first, why don't
you take the train back?
Copy !req
57. Just the same, stop by
here on your way back.
Copy !req
58. I might still be here.
Copy !req
59. Okay. Goodbye,
Mr. Sims. Goodbye.
Copy !req
60. So long, Lois. Have a good time.
Copy !req
61. Well, Miss Lane, just what
type of story are you looking for?
Copy !req
62. Now, wait a minute, Pop.
Copy !req
63. But I tell you, 'tain't
dangerous, Stan.
Copy !req
64. I've been working
it for over 10 years.
Copy !req
65. Ten years ago, it
might have been safe.
Copy !req
66. And it's safe now.
Copy !req
67. And anyway, that new
tunnel is off to one side.
Copy !req
68. I seen the mine
inspector up here today.
Copy !req
69. What did he say?
Copy !req
70. Who gives a durn
what he said? Come on.
Copy !req
71. Hey, Pop.
Copy !req
72. Now what?
Copy !req
73. I ain't gonna do it.
Copy !req
74. Them timbers are
rotten to the core.
Copy !req
75. Listen, Stan, if we
find the coal vein,
Copy !req
76. I'll make you a partner.
Copy !req
77. I got a family.
Copy !req
78. A partnership won't do
them no good if I'm dead.
Copy !req
79. You're a fool, Stan.
Copy !req
80. All right, go on
home. I'll do it myself.
Copy !req
81. This map will give you an idea
Copy !req
82. of the hundreds of miles
of tunnel under this area.
Copy !req
83. But what my paper is
interested in, Mr. Sims,
Copy !req
84. is whether all this tunneling
Copy !req
85. doesn't constitute a danger
to the town of Carbide.
Copy !req
86. That's hard to say.
Copy !req
87. Suppose these
mines should collapse.
Copy !req
88. Wouldn't that cause
a major cave-in?
Copy !req
89. Not necessarily.
Here, I'll show you why.
Copy !req
90. Pop's in there! I
seen him go in.
Copy !req
91. Good heavens! What's that?
Copy !req
92. The disaster signal.
Copy !req
93. Get the rescue squad. Hurry.
Copy !req
94. Don't go in there! Wait
for the rescue squad!
Copy !req
95. Pete, take a couple of the boys
Copy !req
96. and get some of those
heavy timbers down there.
Copy !req
97. Al, get the truck, go
over to Consolidated
Copy !req
98. and bring back
two or three drills.
Copy !req
99. The rest of you boys, get
tools and stand by to dig.
Copy !req
100. And move!
Copy !req
101. Who's in there? Pop Polgase.
Copy !req
102. He's working his new tunnel.
Copy !req
103. I told him to stay out of there!
Copy !req
104. Is he alone? Yeah.
Copy !req
105. Well, why don't
you go in after him?
Copy !req
106. Got to wait for the
rescue squad, lady.
Copy !req
107. You mean there's a
man trapped in there,
Copy !req
108. and you're just going
to stand here and wait?
Copy !req
109. Now, take it easy, Miss Lane.
Copy !req
110. The rescue squad
has special equipment
Copy !req
111. just for this sort of operation.
Copy !req
112. But he might die
in the meantime.
Copy !req
113. Yes, he might, but you just
don't walk into a hole like that
Copy !req
114. without taking
certain precautions.
Copy !req
115. Is there a telephone near?
Copy !req
116. Yes, you'll find one in
the shack over there.
Copy !req
117. Thanks.
Copy !req
118. Operator, get me
Metropolis, 6-0-500, and hurry.
Copy !req
119. Hello, Planet? Give me the desk.
Copy !req
120. Hello, Walt? This is Lois Lane.
Copy !req
121. Now, listen. I'm in
Carbide, Pennsylvania.
Copy !req
122. A one-man mine
has just collapsed,
Copy !req
123. trapping the owner,
known as Pop Polgase.
Copy !req
124. Then you don't think we
can reach him from here?
Copy !req
125. Not a chance. We
got to start a new hole.
Copy !req
126. Where? From up there.
Copy !req
127. We'll go straight down
to this level, then drift.
Copy !req
128. How long will it be
before you get him out?
Copy !req
129. That's hard to say, miss.
Copy !req
130. We've got to sink
a new shaft. Why?
Copy !req
131. That tunnel's liable
to collapse any minute.
Copy !req
132. Help! Help!
Copy !req
133. Where are you?
Copy !req
134. In the new drift!
Copy !req
135. Are you all right?
Copy !req
136. I'm... I'm trapped.
Copy !req
137. Come and get me!
Copy !req
138. Hold on, Pop. We'll get you.
Copy !req
139. Lafe! Sims! They heard him!
Copy !req
140. He's alive. One of
the boys heard him.
Copy !req
141. Let's get him. Wait.
You can't do that.
Copy !req
142. The whole tunnel
is shaky as jelly.
Copy !req
143. Well, can't we shore
it? Not a chance.
Copy !req
144. The first time you
tried to set up a timber,
Copy !req
145. the roof would cave in.
Copy !req
146. Come on. I'll have a look.
Copy !req
147. Couldn't someone
go in after him?
Copy !req
148. It's too dangerous. Then
we'd have two men to dig out.
Copy !req
149. Well, I'm going in
there. You stay here.
Copy !req
150. That's a deathtrap.
Copy !req
151. But that man... We're
doing all we can.
Copy !req
152. If everything goes all right,
Copy !req
153. we'll have him out
of there in 24 hours.
Copy !req
154. Twenty-four hours?
Copy !req
155. Now, you stick to your
reporting, Miss Lane,
Copy !req
156. and leave
mine-rescue work to us.
Copy !req
157. Hi, Clark. Hi.
Copy !req
158. How'd you make out?
Copy !req
159. Can't say as I got much.
Copy !req
160. I told White you wouldn't be
able to get anything out of him.
Copy !req
161. He wouldn't talk to me.
Why should he talk to you?
Copy !req
162. I did my best. I guess it
just wasn't good enough.
Copy !req
163. When are you going
back to Metropolis?
Copy !req
164. No rush.
Copy !req
165. Oh, I promised Lois
Copy !req
166. I'd pick her up at
Carbide on the way back,
Copy !req
167. but she probably
isn't through yet.
Copy !req
168. How about dropping
by the press club?
Copy !req
169. Well, thanks, but I have
an errand to attend to.
Copy !req
170. I'll see you back here later.
Copy !req
171. Yeah.
Copy !req
172. Start right here. You'll have
to go down about 40 feet.
Copy !req
173. I'll get the relief
crews organized.
Copy !req
174. Put your backs to it, boys. Dig.
Copy !req
175. We're just starting
to sink that new shaft.
Copy !req
176. We're going to have to
go down about 40 feet.
Copy !req
177. That means we're going
to have to have relief
Copy !req
178. for the men who are
working there now.
Copy !req
179. I'll take Pete and Al...
Copy !req
180. Hey! Where are you going?
Copy !req
181. Come out of there!
Copy !req
182. Stop!
Copy !req
183. Who was it?
Copy !req
184. That Lane girl. I
couldn't stop her.
Copy !req
185. I got to tell Sims.
Copy !req
186. Pop!
Copy !req
187. Pop, where are you?
Copy !req
188. In here!
Copy !req
189. I'm in the side tunnel!
Copy !req
190. Pop, where are you?
Copy !req
191. You're getting closer.
Copy !req
192. Keep coming!
Copy !req
193. Pop!
Copy !req
194. In here!
Copy !req
195. Thank God you got here.
Copy !req
196. You can say that again.
Copy !req
197. For a while, I didn't
think I'd make it.
Copy !req
198. You're a girl. Who are you?
Copy !req
199. My name is Lois. I'm going
to try and get you out of here.
Copy !req
200. Now, here. Here, drink this.
Copy !req
201. Thanks.
Copy !req
202. That's mighty fine.
Copy !req
203. Are your...? Are your legs hurt?
Copy !req
204. I don't know.
Copy !req
205. They've been numb
for the past hour.
Copy !req
206. There's a timber here.
What'll I use to move it?
Copy !req
207. Use something for a lever.
Copy !req
208. Oh, but what?
Copy !req
209. Try one of them
2-by-4s back there.
Copy !req
210. Here, I'll use this.
Copy !req
211. We're trapped.
Copy !req
212. Oh, don't worry,
Pop. They'll dig us out.
Copy !req
213. Sure they will.
Copy !req
214. If the air holds out and
we don't smother to death.
Copy !req
215. Smother?
Copy !req
216. When that entrance filled up,
Copy !req
217. it cut off the air.
Copy !req
218. Well...
Copy !req
219. Well, what do we do now?
Copy !req
220. Just sit and wait.
Copy !req
221. And maybe do a little praying.
Copy !req
222. Anything?
Copy !req
223. Ah, the same old stuff.
Copy !req
224. Taxes are going up,
Copy !req
225. and Congress is "viewing
the situation with alarm."
Copy !req
226. Well, I
guess I'll shove off.
Copy !req
227. Oh, it's still early.
Copy !req
228. I know, but if I start now,
I ought to make Carbide
Copy !req
229. about the time Lois is finished.
Copy !req
230. Tell White what a magnificent
job I'm doing down here.
Copy !req
231. You know I will. And hey,
Copy !req
232. make it plenty strong.
Maybe he'll give me a raise.
Copy !req
233. Four hours off,
boys. Get some rest.
Copy !req
234. How's it look, Stan?
Copy !req
235. That cave-in we heard,
Copy !req
236. if it didn't kill them,
it cut off their air.
Copy !req
237. We'll never get to them
in time. Not this way.
Copy !req
238. I was thinking.
Copy !req
239. Now, there are tunnels from
old workings under this hill.
Copy !req
240. If we could break into one,
Copy !req
241. it might lead to
Polgase's main lead.
Copy !req
242. I got the maps in my office.
Copy !req
243. What about that, Stan?
Well, it won't hurt to look.
Copy !req
244. There's only a slim chance
that we may find something.
Copy !req
245. I think we're wasting our time.
Copy !req
246. Pop's workings
aren't near anything.
Copy !req
247. Well, it's the only way
we can reach them in time.
Copy !req
248. If they're still alive.
Copy !req
249. Now, what's this? It's
the old Joiner workings.
Copy !req
250. Hey, that tunnel hasn't
been used for years.
Copy !req
251. Get your old map, Sims,
and see where it goes.
Copy !req
252. It's right here.
Copy !req
253. Looks like it's pretty close to
the shaft we're sinking now.
Copy !req
254. Let me put a pair
of dividers on it.
Copy !req
255. Well, what do you think?
Copy !req
256. I think we'll hit it.
Copy !req
257. How much further
will we have to dig?
Copy !req
258. Only a few more yards.
Copy !req
259. That drift can't be
more than 50 feet down.
Copy !req
260. Then if we hit that old tunnel,
Copy !req
261. we can go straight
in from there.
Copy !req
262. Yeah. Let's go.
Copy !req
263. You're wasting your time, child.
Copy !req
264. 'Tain't budged.
Copy !req
265. If only I could get under it.
Copy !req
266. You'd do better
to dig for my tools.
Copy !req
267. I left them back there.
Copy !req
268. Well, it's all caved in.
Copy !req
269. I wouldn't even know
where to begin looking.
Copy !req
270. Then... Then we've
just got to wait.
Copy !req
271. And do nothing?
Copy !req
272. Not me.
Copy !req
273. I think it's giving a little.
Copy !req
274. Go down there and tell
those men to keep digging.
Copy !req
275. Only a few more yards to go.
Copy !req
276. We're right over
the old Joiner tunnel.
Copy !req
277. If we hit it, we're in.
Copy !req
278. There's only one thing worries
me about that Joiner working.
Copy !req
279. What's that? Gas.
Copy !req
280. That old tunnel
might be full of it.
Copy !req
281. If it is, that's all, brother.
Copy !req
282. Here is the latest bulletin
Copy !req
283. from the scene
of the mine cave-in
Copy !req
284. at Carbide, Pennsylvania.
Copy !req
285. The rescue shaft
is now down 40 feet,
Copy !req
286. and Lafe Reiser, captain
of the mine-rescue squad,
Copy !req
287. states he expects to
break into the old workings...
Copy !req
288. It is still not known
whether Lois Lane...
Copy !req
289. Pop Polgase are still alive.
Copy !req
290. Keep tuned to this
station for further bulletins.
Copy !req
291. Pop.
Copy !req
292. Pop.
Copy !req
293. Pop, wake up!
Copy !req
294. I hear you.
Copy !req
295. Pop, I smell something. What?
Copy !req
296. Well, I don't know.
Copy !req
297. Pop, that won't do any good.
You might as well lie still.
Copy !req
298. And die like a rat in a trap?
Copy !req
299. Don't talk that way.
They'll dig us out.
Copy !req
300. You might as well know.
Copy !req
301. Know what?
Copy !req
302. That's gas you were smelling.
Copy !req
303. Gas?
Copy !req
304. Well, what do we do now?
Copy !req
305. Nothing.
Copy !req
306. There ain't nothing we can do...
Copy !req
307. but die.
Copy !req
308. They hit it! We're through!
Copy !req
309. They hit the tunnel, just
broke through the roof.
Copy !req
310. That's great.
Copy !req
311. Better check it before
you let the men go through.
Copy !req
312. Gas!
Copy !req
313. Clear the area!
Copy !req
314. Everybody, out, fast!
Copy !req
315. Everybody, back! Gas! Get out!
Copy !req
316. Clear the area!
Copy !req
317. Hello, Mr. Sims. What's
all the excitement about?
Copy !req
318. Gas.
Copy !req
319. We just broke
through the Joiner drift
Copy !req
320. and found it full of gas.
Copy !req
321. That's too bad. Huh.
Copy !req
322. You seem mighty
unconcerned, Mr. Kent.
Copy !req
323. Should I be concerned?
Copy !req
324. Well, I would be if it was
a friend of mine in there.
Copy !req
325. In where? What are
you talking about?
Copy !req
326. You mean you don't
know? Know what?
Copy !req
327. Miss Lane and Pop Polgase
are trapped in a mine cave-in.
Copy !req
328. Trapped in there?
Where? Tell me where!
Copy !req
329. Someplace under that
hill. Yes, but exactly where?
Copy !req
330. Well, we don't
know exactly where.
Copy !req
331. As soon as the gas
clears out of the tunnel,
Copy !req
332. we'll go in there
and try to find them.
Copy !req
333. Look! Superman!
Copy !req
334. Where did he come from?
Copy !req
335. What's he gonna do?
Copy !req
336. Are you all right, Miss Lane?
Copy !req
337. Yes, but help him. He's
pinned to the ground.
Copy !req
338. Help him, Miss Lane.
Copy !req
339. I'll hold up the
tunnel until you're out.
Copy !req
340. Now, hurry.
Copy !req
341. Will they be all right?
Copy !req
342. They sure will.
Copy !req
343. I never saw anything like
that before in my whole life.
Copy !req
344. Are you feeling better?
Copy !req
345. A little.
Copy !req
346. Where's Superman?
Copy !req
347. Oh, he's gone.
Copy !req
348. I expected it.
Copy !req
349. Gosh, Lois, that
was a close one.
Copy !req
350. Are you all right?
Copy !req
351. I guess so. A little
shaky, that's all.
Copy !req
352. You better get in
your own clothes.
Copy !req
353. I'll drive you back
to Metropolis.
Copy !req
354. That sounds grand.
Copy !req
355. And, Clark.
Copy !req
356. Yes?
Copy !req
357. Superman finally took me out.
Copy !req