1. J" Adventure time,
come on, grab your friends I
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2. J“ We'll go to
very messed up lands I
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3. I With Finn and Jake,
Ice King, and Betty J“
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4. J” Who knows how it will end? I
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5. J' It's adventure time J'
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6. Heck, yeah!
We're home.
Copy !req
7. That was definitely
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8. the longest adventure
we've ever done.
Copy !req
9. What about when you got trapped
in a mind dungeon
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10. for a buncha years?
Copy !req
11. This trip was longer
in emotional time.
Copy !req
12. Yeah, I'm burnt out. No more
adventures for a while, okay?
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13. Yes! Yes! Yes!
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14. B—b—b—b—b—b—b!
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15. Let's go take hot showers.
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16. Hey, look at this fish.
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17. It's... gummy?
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18. Hello!
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19. Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
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20. Well, that's weird.
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21. We should defs
check it out after
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22. we hit up the
tree house.
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23. Yeah, we gotta get to the bottom
of this hot shower.
Copy !req
24. Hmm.
Copy !req
25. Does everything seem...
pinker to you?
Copy !req
26. Home always looks different
after a long trip.
Copy !req
27. You're seeing it with fresh eyes
and newfound wisdom.
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28. And sometimes there's also a new
strip mall or something.
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29. So everything being pink is
probably not a big deal.
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30. And also, I'm tired.
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31. I like the pink.
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32. Why you worry so much,
worry baby?
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33. Ha, ha, yeah! Why you worry
so much, worry baby?
Copy !req
34. Don't worry, Finn.
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35. We're only teasing you
because you're a baby.
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36. Whoa!
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37. What the heck happened
to the tree house?
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38. Candy...
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39. Fern?
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40. Oh, I do not like this.
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41. J'J'
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42. Is this some kind of sick joke?
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43. Because I love it!
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44. Huh?
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45. Big Baby root beer?
No one buys this brand.
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46. It's too sweet.
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47. Hello?
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48. Aah!
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49. Hey! You look like me!
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50. Fern?
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51. Who's Fern? I'm Fun the Human.
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52. And I'm Nectr,
the little robot!
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53. I'm Shelby the Worm...
the gummy worm!
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54. Welcome, strangers.
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55. It's so cool that you're
inside our house.
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56. Dude, when did you guys
turn into candy?
Copy !req
57. We've always been candy,
you silly billy bean!
Copy !req
58. Ohh, okay. I get it.
Copy !req
59. We've obviously stumbled into
another alternate dimension
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60. where everyone's a different
version of themselves.
Copy !req
61. Yawn.
Copy !req
62. But we haven't gone through
any portals.
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63. BMO would know.
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64. Hello!
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65. Neptr is so cute now!
Copy !req
66. I'm going to start treating him
as an equal.
Copy !req
67. You were supposed to take care
of 000 while I was gone.
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68. What happened with that?
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69. What?
Copy !req
70. You used to be this volatile
plant boy. Remember?
Copy !req
71. Really? Well, I'm candy now.
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72. And I'm in control
of my emotions.
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73. I'm in control, too...
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74. of my body!
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75. Wow, gummy Shelby's
a lot of fun.
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76. I think I'm okay with
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77. No way. Let's talk to PB.
Copy !req
78. I'm sure this is all one of her
experiments gone wrong.
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79. You seem upset, friend.
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80. The tower will fix you right up.
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81. The what now?
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82. Oh, boy!
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83. Let's run outside!
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84. Hello! It's me!
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85. Lemonpink!
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86. He was inside the lemon.
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87. Mm! Drink up, babies!
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88. Squeeze!
Copy !req
89. I used to have a lot of fear
and sadness,
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90. but now I'm fine!
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91. Hey, I want some of that.
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92. No. That is body juice.
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93. Hmm? What's that?
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94. Do you spurn my fluids?
Copy !req
95. No.
Copy !req
96. Maybe someone's feeling
a little sour!
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97. Wuh—whoa!
Copy !req
98. You know what sours get.
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99. Sours get the tower!
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100. Sours get the tower!
Sours get the tower!
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101. Sours get the tower!
Sours get the tower!
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102. Come on, Jake.
Let's go see Bubblegum.
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103. Stop striding!
It just keeps you agitated!
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104. I'm freaking out, Jake.
This place is weird.
Copy !req
105. What I'm hearing is
you're stressed out
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106. because everything's candy.
Copy !req
107. Aren't you?
Copy !req
108. Not really.
Copy !req
109. Lemongrab's always been
a weirdo.
Copy !req
110. At least now
he's helping people.
Copy !req
111. And Fern is, like,
laughing and joking around.
Copy !req
112. Maybe they don't need you
to fix them.
Copy !req
113. Hmm.
Copy !req
114. I always believe you when
you use that voice.
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115. Sweet P?
Copy !req
116. Hey, buddy, what are you
doing out... uh...
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117. Hey! You're meat!
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118. Yes, I'm meat.
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119. But everything else is weird.
Copy !req
120. Wow, Sweet P, that's
almost exactly
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121. what I've been
Copy !req
122. Sweet P, do you remember
what happened?
Copy !req
123. One day, the candy came
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124. and turned Mommy and Daddy
into something... different.
Copy !req
125. Tree Trunks and Mr.
Sweet P!
Copy !req
126. There you are!
Copy !req
127. We've been looking for you
Copy !req
128. We just love ya
so much, son.
Copy !req
129. You're gonna get into
a great college!
Copy !req
130. TEe—hee—hee—hee!
Copy !req
131. They look so happy,
like dogs.
Copy !req
132. Don't worry, Sweet P.
Copy !req
133. We're headed
to the Candy Kingdom
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134. to see Princess Bubblegum
about all this.
Copy !req
135. She's not in the Candy Kingdom.
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136. She's in the Terrible Tower.
Copy !req
137. Look!
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138. Come on, Jake.
That's kind of weird, right?
Copy !req
139. I think it's magnificent!
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140. Sweet P! Yoo—hoo!
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141. We brought some rollers
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142. and a bucket
of sweet juicy caramel.
Copy !req
143. Let's get you back to normal.
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144. But, Mama, I am normal!
Copy !req
145. Just sit tight there
like a Windowpane,
Copy !req
146. and you'll be back to normal
like a Windowpane.
Copy !req
147. Back to normal.
Copy !req
148. Hmm. Okay, you're right.
This is pretty freaky—deaky.
Copy !req
149. I'm gonna go now.
Copy !req
150. Jake and Finn:
Sweet P, come back!
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151. Uh... let's get to the tower.
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152. J'J'
Copy !req
153. And never be
the guy with no phone, Finn.
Copy !req
154. You'll think it'll make people
wanna talk to you more,
Copy !req
155. but people just forget
to invite you to things.
Copy !req
156. You've convinced me.
Copy !req
157. Plus, I like
late night bedtime calls
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158. when you're sleeping over
at Lady's.
Copy !req
159. Ooh. Somethin' smells nice.
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160. Nice and toasty.
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161. S'more!
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162. Stay back, S'more!
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163. Get it! Get it!
Get it! Get it!
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164. Whoa, dudes.
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165. I was just playin'.
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166. What? Marceline!
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167. No, it's Marshmaline...
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168. the Campfire Queen.
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169. Mar—
Copy !req
170. Marsha—— Mars——
Marsha ——
Copy !req
171. Marcine.
Mar—— Mar——
Copy !req
172. Marsh—— Marshmi——
Marshman—— My——
Copy !req
173. Would you like to hear a song?
Copy !req
174. I've written just the ditty
that'll cheer up anyone
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175. that's overwhelmed with work
or responsibility.
Copy !req
176. Yay! I love Marshmaline songs!
Copy !req
177. No time for tunes.
Do you know where Bonnie is?
Copy !req
178. Of course! Follow me.
Copy !req
179. Marshy. .. where's PB?
Copy !req
180. She's everywhere.
Copy !req
181. Good tidings to you,
my friends.
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182. Yahoo!
Copy !req
183. What —— what happened to you?
Copy !req
184. Oh, this?
Copy !req
185. I've become what I was always
meant to become ——
Copy !req
186. a pure candy elemental.
Copy !req
187. 'Scuse me.
Copy !req
188. What about Tree Trunks
and Lemongrab
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189. and Marceline
and everyone else?
Copy !req
190. I fixed 'em, obviously.
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191. Fixed 'em?
But they're your friends!
Copy !req
192. Those aren't
mutually exclusive concepts.
Copy !req
193. That means it's fine.
Copy !req
194. No, it's not fine.
Copy !req
195. Don't fret.
Copy !req
196. I can fix you, too.
Copy !req
197. Aah! Aah! Aah!
Copy !req
198. I can feel my bones
turning gummy!
Copy !req
199. Me, too!
Copy !req
200. We gotta get out of here
before ——
Copy !req
201. Oof!
Copy !req
202. I'm connected to all candy
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203. throughout all the galaxies.
Copy !req
204. Once you're candy,
you'll be part of me, too!
Copy !req
205. No! That plan sucks!
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206. Oh, my gosh!
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207. Aah! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
I'm sorry!
Copy !req
208. I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
I'm sorry!
Copy !req
209. Skyhooks!
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210. Ice King?
Copy !req
211. Hold on to me, bro!
Copy !req
212. No!
Copy !req
213. Wait, we forgot... BMO!
Copy !req
214. Goodbye, boys!
It's better this way!
Copy !req
215. Oh, well.
They'll be back.
Copy !req
216. They have nowhere else to go.
Copy !req
217. Yah!
Copy !req
218. Are wein...
Copy !req
219. Cloud Kingdom.
Copy !req
220. Looks like we got away
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221. before the candy curse
became permanent.
Copy !req
222. That's right.
My skyhooks saved the day.
Copy !req
223. Thanks for getting us out
of there, Simon.
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224. Aw, I can't take all the credit.
It's all thanks to my skyhooks.
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225. Hey, why are you even up here?
Copy !req
226. We live here now,
me and the skyhooks.
Copy !req
227. Finn, you gotta see this.
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228. Oh... my...
Copy !req
229. but...
Copy !req
230. Ice King: Skyhooks!
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231. J“ Come along with me I
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232. J” And the butterflies and bees J“
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233. This party is so crazy!
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