1. We are delighted to host
this year's Princess Day
Copy !req
2. here in Breakfast Kingdom.
Copy !req
3. Please enjoy the continental
breakfast expertly prepared by
Copy !req
4. our very own breakfast chefs.
Copy !req
5. Now on to more pressing matters.
Copy !req
6. Brigands have been attacking
our Western seaports,
Copy !req
7. dozens of unregistered
Princesses roam the land,
Copy !req
8. and trade deficits are
at an all-time high!
Copy !req
9. Historically, Breakfast Kingdom
has traded one sack of sugar
Copy !req
10. a month to Slime Kingdom
in exchange for four eggs,
Copy !req
11. but egg production
has plummeted!
Copy !req
12. I can't just pop out
eggs on command.
Copy !req
13. I'm an artisan!
Copy !req
14. You have an egg
in you right now.
Copy !req
15. How dare you?
Copy !req
16. Yeah, and what about that
peanut juice, Peanut Princess?
Copy !req
17. My body needs juice!
Copy !req
18. I'm not giving out a
single drop of nut butter,
Copy !req
19. not until Raggedy Princess
pays me!
Copy !req
20. Fine! Take it!
Copy !req
21. Take all my socks!
Copy !req
22. You still owe me a pair of jorts!
Copy !req
23. And, hey, what about my tuque?
Copy !req
24. Aaah!
Copy !req
25. You guys, I'm bored
out of my face!
Copy !req
26. I make a motion to stop talking
about dumb stuff that's lame!
Copy !req
27. Oh, Lumpy Space Princess, I'm
afraid you'll have to be patient
Copy !req
28. with us and our petty disputes.
Copy !req
29. Not all of us have achieved the
self-sufficiency that I assume
Copy !req
30. you have in your kingdom.
Copy !req
31. Oh, wait.
Copy !req
32. That's right.
Copy !req
33. You don't have a kingdom!
Copy !req
34. You live in a box in the woods.
Copy !req
35. It's not a box.
Copy !req
36. It's a rotting log.
Copy !req
37. Sorry, LSP, but the chair only
recognizes real Princesses,
Copy !req
38. not bums.
Copy !req
39. What?
Copy !req
40. I'm like a cool hippie.
Copy !req
41. Whatever, freeloader.
Copy !req
42. If you were invited
to Princess Day,
Copy !req
43. it must have been a
mistake or as a joke.
Copy !req
44. Am I right, girls?
Copy !req
45. Ohh!
Copy !req
46. The joke's on you
because I wasn't invited.
Copy !req
47. I'm crashing!
Copy !req
48. And I already ate a
bunch of your food!
Copy !req
49. What you gonna do about it,
Princess egg breath?
Copy !req
50. Ooh!
Copy !req
51. That's true.
Copy !req
52. She does have egg breath.
Copy !req
53. Okay, you've wasted
enough of our time.
Copy !req
54. Guards, take this
pamplemousse out of my sight.
Copy !req
55. You didn't!
Copy !req
56. Don't touch me!
Copy !req
57. Hmm.
Copy !req
58. Okay.
Copy !req
59. Now that the wannabe's gone,
Copy !req
60. let's get back to
Princess business.
Copy !req
61. O-oh, no, n-not you,
Princess Business.
Copy !req
62. Uh, Princess business.
Copy !req
63. No. Sounds the same.
I'm sorry.
Copy !req
64. Hey, you want to
ditch this jazz?
Copy !req
65. I'd love to,
Copy !req
66. but I'm really invested
in this crossword puzzle.
Copy !req
67. Figs.
Copy !req
68. Hmm.
Copy !req
69. LSP, wait up!
Copy !req
70. Whoa.
Copy !req
71. Lousy Breakfast Princess.
Copy !req
72. Pamplemousse.
Copy !req
73. What is that, even?
Copy !req
74. Yo, LSP.
Copy !req
75. Sick tag.
Copy !req
76. Oh. Thanks?
Copy !req
77. You know,
I like your vibe, dude.
Copy !req
78. You don't take anyone's sass.
Copy !req
79. Yeah, especially not from that
gross pile of greasy hash!
Copy !req
80. She lumpin' humiliated me!
Copy !req
81. Listen, let's get even.
Copy !req
82. Teach old greasy locks a lesson.
Copy !req
83. You're bad.
Copy !req
84. And I like it.
Copy !req
85. This place is huge!
Copy !req
86. "Yobo, peebocheeks.
Copy !req
87. Just kicking down
the town with LSP-boos.
Copy !req
88. She is acting sooo bad."
Copy !req
89. "Ha. Just don't let her
get out of control."
Copy !req
90. "Too late. LSP is really
doing it up right now,
Copy !req
91. and I'm just feeding
the flames."
Copy !req
92. "Nooooo," exclamation point,
exclamation point,
Copy !req
93. exclamation point!
Copy !req
94. Look. There.
Copy !req
95. Breakfast Princess' room.
Copy !req
96. How you want to get
past the maple man?
Copy !req
97. I'll show you, hon.
Copy !req
98. Ooh! Ahh!
Copy !req
99. Hey, there.
Copy !req
100. Yeah, look over here.
Copy !req
101. What?
Copy !req
102. Nice distraction.
Copy !req
103. Right on.
Copy !req
104. Blah!
Copy !req
105. Ugh. I can't digest syrup.
Copy !req
106. That's for poisoning my girl!
Copy !req
107. Stop!
Copy !req
108. Okay, just one more time.
Copy !req
109. I thought you were bad.
Copy !req
110. Bad people don't stop.
Copy !req
111. Let's don't stop inside.
Copy !req
112. P-p-p-payback!
Copy !req
113. Uh... all her
clothes are sticky.
Copy !req
114. And her taste in
music is terrible.
Copy !req
115. Check it out.
Copy !req
116. I hate this album,
but I'm taking it anyway.
Copy !req
117. That's messed up!
Copy !req
118. This'll teach Breakfast Princess.
Copy !req
119. Huh?
Copy !req
120. Jerry!
Copy !req
121. Who did this to you, Jerry?
Copy !req
122. I don't know,
but they got past me.
Copy !req
123. We're busted.
Copy !req
124. Turn invisible!
Copy !req
125. I can't.
Copy !req
126. Well, hide, then!
Copy !req
127. Uh... hide where?
Copy !req
128. I know somebody's in here.
Copy !req
129. L-I heard someone
say "Where."
Copy !req
130. Getting close now.
Copy !req
131. No sign of the intrud... er.
Copy !req
132. Aaah! My eyes!
Copy !req
133. Ohhh.
Copy !req
134. Oh, it smells like grapefruit.
Copy !req
135. Yeah!
Copy !req
136. When I recover my sight,
I'm going to imprison you,
Copy !req
137. you giggling girls!
Copy !req
138. Aah!
Copy !req
139. I got this.
Copy !req
140. I don't see them.
Copy !req
141. Hey.
Copy !req
142. Waaaah!
Copy !req
143. Oh, glob.
Copy !req
144. He's okay!
Copy !req
145. Other Jerry, what happened?
Copy !req
146. Yeah!
Copy !req
147. Okay, let's take a lunch break,
Copy !req
148. Oh, when I say lunch, I,
of course, mean breakfast.
Copy !req
149. Your Highness.
Copy !req
150. There are vandals
ruining the castle.
Copy !req
151. They are bad.
Copy !req
152. Okay. I'll handle it.
Copy !req
153. Fellow Princesses,
I got to deal with matters of state.
Copy !req
154. My little sister, Strudel Princess,
will take over for me.
Copy !req
155. Eat the berries!
Copy !req
156. Dip them in the syrup.
Copy !req
157. Rup, rup!
Copy !req
158. Want me to show you how?
Copy !req
159. Whoo!
Copy !req
160. A squirrel taught
me how to do that.
Copy !req
161. That's awesome.
Copy !req
162. Stop right the...
Copy !req
163. What was that?
Copy !req
164. Oh, glob. Oh, glob.
Copy !req
165. Oh, glob, oh, glob, oh, glob!
Copy !req
166. Everyone will know it was me!
Copy !req
167. I can't go to jail!
Copy !req
168. I'm too pretty!
Copy !req
169. Oh, I'm sorry, mom... and daddy!
Copy !req
170. Aah!
Copy !req
171. Hey! Calm your lumps.
Copy !req
172. It's okay!
She's just dazed.
Copy !req
173. I'll handle it.
Copy !req
174. Come on.
Copy !req
175. It'll be fine, dude.
Copy !req
176. Girls like us just
got to stick together.
Copy !req
177. Breakfast Princess,
you should pay attention
Copy !req
178. when somebody cool
is trying to talk.
Copy !req
179. LSP, is that you?
Copy !req
180. Oh. Glob, no.
Not even.
Copy !req
181. What's this for?
Copy !req
182. For digging.
Copy !req
183. Now start building
a-a sand castle.
Copy !req
184. Don't stop digging
or we'll know!
Copy !req
185. Whoo!
Copy !req
186. Yeah!
Copy !req
187. That was totally fun
being bad with you, Marcy.
Copy !req
188. Yeah, that was pretty rad.
Copy !req
189. Do you think, like, doing all
that bad stuff makes us ... like,
Copy !req
190. bad people?
Copy !req
191. Uh... probably not.
Copy !req
192. I don't think there
are bad people.
Copy !req
193. Hmm.
Copy !req
194. I think good people do bad stuff
sometimes, and ... oh ... and
Copy !req
195. that's bad.
Copy !req
196. But if you only do it once,
it's just a mistake, and...
Copy !req
197. that's not bad.
Copy !req
198. I think.
Copy !req
199. Word.
Copy !req
200. But... I mean I do think
it was wrong to steal this CD.
Copy !req
201. Yeah, I feel kind
of bad about that.
Copy !req
202. We should probably
mail it back to her.
Copy !req
203. Yeah! Good call.
Copy !req
204. I... oh, my glob!
Copy !req
205. Aaah!
Copy !req
206. Aaah!
Copy !req
207. Aah-aah!
Copy !req
208. Pow!
Copy !req
209. Couldn't get up from the bed.
Copy !req
210. I was lazy, and that's why I
can't have frosting anymore.
Copy !req
211. Okay, so does everybody
have what they want?
Copy !req
212. Wait, I think I'm
ready to pop it.
Copy !req
213. Ha!
Copy !req
214. Happy Princess Day!
Copy !req
215. This party is so crazy!
Copy !req