1. You want some more
eggs, beemo?
Copy !req
2. - Yes, please.
- How about you, finny?
Copy !req
3. - Need a refill?
- I'm pretty full, man,
Copy !req
4. but let me see if I can...
Copy !req
5. - Nope. Can't do it.
- I don't know if
Copy !req
6. - stomachs work like that, dude.
- Sometimes it helps.
Copy !req
7. Can't argue with that.
Eee, eee! Ahh.
Copy !req
8. Ahh.
Copy !req
9. Ohh.
Copy !req
10. Hello.
Lady, it's gonna be fine.
Copy !req
11. Mm-hmm.
All right, I love you, too.
Copy !req
12. - Bye.
- Lady rainicorn again?
Copy !req
13. Yeah, man.
She's worried about introducing
Copy !req
14. me to her parents at lunch
Copy !req
15. She thinks they're gonna
"freak out."
Copy !req
16. Um... Maybe give her
parents some treasure?
Copy !req
17. No way!
That's our treasure!
Copy !req
18. Wait. I've got it, dude!
I'll invite them over early,
Copy !req
19. "smoove" them over using my
personality, and we'll all be
Copy !req
20. best friends before lady gets
here so she doesn't have to feel
Copy !req
21. nervous.
It's perfect.
Copy !req
22. I'll just send them a quick
Copy !req
23. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
24. - What's it say?
- Hold on.
Copy !req
25. Still converting the light waves
into brain waves.
Copy !req
26. Aaaah.
They're into it, dude!
Copy !req
27. Sweet!
Let's go powder our noses!
Copy !req
28. - Why's lady so nervous, anyway?
- Well, she didn't really
Copy !req
29. say, but it might have something
to do with the rainicorn/dog
Copy !req
30. - wars.
- There were wars between
Copy !req
31. - rainicorns and dogs?
- Horrifying wars.
Copy !req
32. For thousands of years,
rainicorns battled dogs over
Copy !req
33. territory in the crystal
Copy !req
34. - But lady and I are cool.
- Dude!
Copy !req
35. Her parents are probably all
full of dog hatred from the war
Copy !req
36. times!
They're gonna see you're a dog
Copy !req
37. and forbid lady from ever
hanging out with you again!
Copy !req
38. Nah.
That could never happen.
Copy !req
39. You didn't think this
through enough.
Copy !req
40. - It could happen!
- Waaah!
Copy !req
41. - I'm a moron!
- Don't worry.
Copy !req
42. I've got a plan that's gonna
solve this biz.
Copy !req
43. - Homeys help homeys. Always.
- I'm ready to hear your
Copy !req
44. - plan, homey.
Copy !req
45. - Ketchup!
- Mustard!
Copy !req
46. daughter ♪
♪ please forget the wartime
Copy !req
47. relations ♪
♪ sugar bears
Copy !req
48. and rainbow jelly ♪
♪ spread those colors
Copy !req
49. on my belly ♪
♪ on the floor
Copy !req
50. and up the log ♪
♪ please don't notice
Copy !req
51. I'm a dog ♪
Ha ha! Yeah!
Copy !req
52. - This plan is perfect.
- You know, I thought
Copy !req
53. painting ourselves rainbow color
using condiments and stuff from
Copy !req
54. the fridge so we could pretend
to be rainicorns was a good idea
Copy !req
55. when you pitched it to me five
minutes ago, but now I'm not so
Copy !req
56. - sure, man.
- Come on.
Copy !req
57. - Trust me, homey!
- No, no, no.
Copy !req
58. New plan.
First, we're gonna clean this
Copy !req
59. place up, and then —
Copy !req
60. Jake?
Copy !req
61. Aah!
Let's hide and burn the house
Copy !req
62. down!
Copy !req
63. - Hello?
- Annyong.
Copy !req
64. Haseyo.
Jake, is that you?
Copy !req
65. Uh-huh.
Are you going to let us in?
Copy !req
66. Yeah.
Copy !req
67. Aah!
I can explain!
Copy !req
68. I can explain!
Copy !req
69. He's so handsome!
Oh, Bob!
Copy !req
70. Our daughter's finally found a
handsome rainicorn to love.
Copy !req
71. You think I'm a
Copy !req
72. I think we could spot a
member of our own species, Jake.
Copy !req
73. We're not blind.
Well, we are a little blind.
Copy !req
74. Yes, I guess we are a little
Copy !req
75. Uh... Well, hey, come on
Copy !req
76. It's awesome to finally meet you
Copy !req
77. - Your house is very colorful.
- Ha!
Copy !req
78. The plan is working, homey.
Jake, what is that thing
Copy !req
79. - that's talking?
- Uh... That's, um...
Copy !req
80. I'm Jake's rainicorn
Copy !req
81. Everyone do the traditional
rainicorn rain dance.
Copy !req
82. Jake, please ask your goblin
Butler to stop insulting my
Copy !req
83. - heritage.
- Uh... Yes!
Copy !req
84. Get out of here, goblin!
Go fetch us some rainicorn
Copy !req
85. - snacks!
But —
Copy !req
86. Come on, homey.
Help me.
Copy !req
87. Ha!
You got it, homey.
Copy !req
88. Uh, please, c-come
Copy !req
89. My goblin will bring us snacks
in a moment.
Copy !req
90. Thank you, Jake.
I'm glad the wife and I made the
Copy !req
91. trip from the crystal dimension.
Yes, we're eager to know more
Copy !req
92. about the studly young rainicorn
that's dating our daughter.
Copy !req
93. - Ethel.
- Well, ask me whatever
Copy !req
94. you like, Ethel, Bob.
I am a little curious about
Copy !req
95. your goblin.
He looks a little odd.
Copy !req
96. Well, he's actually a
Copy !req
97. Oh, Bob!
Our future son-in-law must be
Copy !req
98. filthy rich to afford a human
Copy !req
99. Shh.
Thank you, Jake, for being
Copy !req
100. - interested in our daughter.
- Uh... No problem, Bob.
Copy !req
101. Oh! Oh!
Let's play some traditional
Copy !req
102. rainicorn games!
Jake, do you know
Copy !req
103. - kabaladapawumba-pbht!
- Uh...
Copy !req
104. S-say it again?
Copy !req
105. Oh!
Copy !req
106. Kabladapuwama-pbht!
I thought you said
Copy !req
107. kobloderagut-pbht!
Copy !req
108. But, aw, man, I love getting
down and dirty with some
Copy !req
109. klabladapuwama-pbht!
Copy !req
110. You all should go first, though.
Mm. Bold move letting your
Copy !req
111. opponent move first, Jake.
I respect that.
Copy !req
112. Very well.
Copy !req
113. Oh, Bob!
Ha ha!
Copy !req
114. - Your turn, Jake!
I —
Copy !req
115. Snacks!
Get your snacks!
Copy !req
116. Finn!
Dude, I have to show lady's
Copy !req
117. parents that I have rainbow
Copy !req
118. - I need homey help.
- Hmm.
Copy !req
119. I got a plan, broham.
Just stretch your horn at me,
Copy !req
120. - and I'll take care of the rest.
- You're the best, homey.
Copy !req
121. - Homeys help homeys.
- Ha ha!
Copy !req
122. Kabladapuwama-pbht!
Copy !req
123. Very unusual color palette,
Copy !req
124. Jake.
Yes. Subtle.
Copy !req
125. - Whoo! Oh, yeah!
Copy !req
126. Finn?
How about we play some more
Copy !req
127. traditional rainicorn games, my
Copy !req
128. I, uh...
Oh, um...
Copy !req
129. - Let's do it!
- Let the games begin!
Copy !req
130. I'm sorry!
Copy !req
131. Yo, my bad!
I'll get him!
Copy !req
132. Ooh.
Copy !req
133. Hey, man.
How's it going?
Copy !req
134. - It's going crud cow!
- I know, I know.
Copy !req
135. I'm sorry.
But they really like me.
Copy !req
136. - Your plan is working perfectly!
- Being poked in the buns
Copy !req
137. and laughed at was not in my
Copy !req
138. - Not in the plan!
- Look, Finn, you know I
Copy !req
139. got your back "forevah," but
right now, you're the only one
Copy !req
140. who can help me.
Come on, homey.
Copy !req
141. Homeys help homeys.
Copy !req
142. Hey, guys!
You ready to get this game going
Copy !req
143. again?
Oh, no.
Copy !req
144. We're pooped.
Yeah, we're about ready to
Copy !req
145. break out our picnic basket and
dig in.
Copy !req
146. Whoa, no.
You're my guests.
Copy !req
147. Let me take care of you.
Homey, help me cook something,
Copy !req
148. - please.
- Okay.
Copy !req
149. Thanks, Finn.
Okay. Don't worry about a thing.
Copy !req
150. Finn'll make a great lunch.
He's a little raw, but he's got
Copy !req
151. great taste.
Copy !req
152. Wow!
So wealthy and so generous!
Copy !req
153. Oh, I was hoping, but I was
afraid to ask.
Copy !req
154. Whoa.
I can't wait.
Copy !req
155. - Oh, I can't wait.
- What?
Copy !req
156. Whoa!
Copy !req
157. Jake!
I think they want to eat me!
Copy !req
158. Of course we do!
Jake said you'd make a great
Copy !req
159. - lunch.
- Jake, come on!
Copy !req
160. Oh, man! Oh, man!
Oh, man! Oh, man! Oh, man!
Copy !req
161. Aaah!
Knock it off, Bob!
Copy !req
162. - Don't you touch him!
- Wait! Come on!
Copy !req
163. Stop it, guys!
Come on, y'all!
Copy !req
164. I said stop!
Copy !req
165. Now, that's enough!
Nobody's eating Finn!
Copy !req
166. He's not my Butler, and he's
not food!
Copy !req
167. Finn is my friend!
Copy !req
168. I'm sorry I let the lies get so
far out of hand.
Copy !req
169. I just got so scared of losing
Copy !req
170. But if they hate me, so be it.
No more lies.
Copy !req
171. You're a dog?
Copy !req
172. Yeah, I just...
Oh, look.
Copy !req
173. I'm sorry about everything.
I was —
Copy !req
174. yay! Hey, hey!
Copy !req
175. Lady?
Copy !req
176. - What did she say?
- She says she was
Copy !req
177. worried that they'd freak out...
'Cause her parents are bananas
Copy !req
178. - for dogs!
- J.J. Flip!
Copy !req
179. - What the zip?
- Yeah. Saved her dad in
Copy !req
180. - the war.
- Wow!
Copy !req
181. That's flippin' awesome.
Copy !req
182. - Finn.
- Wha?
Copy !req
183. Listen, I just want you to
know how sorry we are about
Copy !req
184. trying to eat you.
It's just we thought we'd
Copy !req
185. never get another chance.
We thought humans were extinct.
Copy !req
186. - Oh.
- So this isn't human?
Copy !req
187. Oh, no.
This is soy people.
Copy !req
188. Oh.
Copy !req
189. I've never tasted real human
before, but they say you can't
Copy !req
190. even tell the difference.
Copy !req
191. Ew.
Copy !req
192. Finn, you're delicious!
Copy !req
193. Oh, man!
Copy !req