1. Pussy cat!
Come here!
Copy !req
2. Hey!
Copy !req
3. Help!
Copy !req
4. Don't worry!
Copy !req
5. His spells never last long.
Copy !req
6. Who are these guys?
This is a great fight!
Copy !req
7. Yeah!
You never fought them?
Copy !req
8. They come out every day
at 4:00 on the dot.
Copy !req
9. I guess that's because
I meet Lady Rainicorn
Copy !req
10. every day
at 4:00 on the dot.
Copy !req
11. Oh, shoot! I'm late!
Copy !req
12. You should stay, man.
Copy !req
13. At 5:00 every day,
I chop both their heads off,
Copy !req
14. and they grow
them back for the next day.
Copy !req
15. Aw, man,
that sounds awesome!
Copy !req
16. I do want to stay
and fight those guys,
Copy !req
17. but I also want to
hang out with my girlfriend.
Copy !req
18. Boo!
Copy !req
19. I should probably go.
Copy !req
20. I'll see ya later, buddy.
Copy !req
21. Bye.
Copy !req
22. Hyah!
Copy !req
23. Oh!
Copy !req
24. Sorry!
Sorry I'm late.
Copy !req
25. Finn and I were fighting
this shark and science cat,
Copy !req
26. and I lost track of time.
Copy !req
27. Anyway, I'm here now, Milady,
Copy !req
28. and I have brought to you
half an orange.
Copy !req
29. Ooh!
Copy !req
30. Nice!
Copy !req
31. Now make that green!
Copy !req
32. Ha ha ha!
Yeah, that's good.
Copy !req
33. Sleep?
Copy !req
34. But we were supposed
to play viola together!
Copy !req
35. Yeah.
Copy !req
36. Sorry again for coming so late.
Copy !req
37. Good night.
Copy !req
38. Hi, Jake.
Copy !req
39. Oh, hey, Shelby.
Copy !req
40. Why you looking so down
in the dumps?
Copy !req
41. No response, huh?
Guess you're good.
Copy !req
42. - I'm, fed up, Shelby!
- Hmm?
Copy !req
43. Whenever I hang out
with Lady Rainicorn,
Copy !req
44. I miss out
on fun times with Finn.
Copy !req
45. And then when
I hang out with Finn,
Copy !req
46. I'm missing out on
Lady Rainicorn!
Copy !req
47. Oh!
Copy !req
48. Hey, Jake, why don't you just
hang out with both of them
Copy !req
49. at the same time?
Copy !req
50. And then I won't
miss anything!
Copy !req
51. Shelby!
Copy !req
52. My problems are solved.
Copy !req
53. Ah, isn't this great?
Copy !req
54. This is totally great, isn't it?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
55. Isn't it?
Copy !req
56. Ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!
Copy !req
57. What?
What did she say?
Copy !req
58. She said
she also thinks it's great.
Copy !req
59. Oh.
Copy !req
60. Yeah.
Copy !req
61. Hmm.
Copy !req
62. Hey, did you
know that you both
Copy !req
63. have an awesome
sense of humor?
Copy !req
64. - We do?
- Yeah. Anybody have a joke?
Copy !req
65. Oh, I have a joke!
Copy !req
66. Ha ha! Okay, okay.
Copy !req
67. Knock knock.
- Who's there?
Copy !req
68. She said, "who's there?"
Copy !req
69. Diarrhea.
Copy !req
70. Did she say, "diarrhea who?"
Copy !req
71. Uh, no.
Copy !req
72. No, she didn't say,
"diarrhea who?"
Copy !req
73. She didn't...
say it.
Copy !req
74. Lady, how about you
tell a joke?
Copy !req
75. Oh.
Copy !req
76. What's the joke?
Copy !req
77. Uh, well, the joke
doesn't translate very well.
Copy !req
78. Man, I-I might leave.
Copy !req
79. Is it okay if I leave?
Copy !req
80. I kind of want to go
fight something.
Copy !req
81. No! Don't leave.
Copy !req
82. If there was only some way
Copy !req
83. you two could talk to
each other directly.
Copy !req
84. Oh, dude!
I just remembered!
Copy !req
85. There's a universal
translator device
Copy !req
86. at the bottom
of Lake Szelezon!
Copy !req
87. The lake guarded
by evil Lake Knights?
Copy !req
88. Yeah, I can't remember
why I threw it in there.
Copy !req
89. Let's all go and get it!
Copy !req
90. Whoa, Jake!
You're inviting Rainicorn?
Copy !req
91. No offense, but isn't she
a little too sweet
Copy !req
92. for deadly
Copy !req
93. Trust me, Finn,
she's the Rowdy Queen.
Copy !req
94. She can do anything.
Copy !req
95. Hmm.
Copy !req
96. All right. Trust pound.
Copy !req
97. Underwater camouflage.
Copy !req
98. Whoo-hoo!
Copy !req
99. Yeah!
Copy !req
100. All right!
Copy !req
101. Lady, you are incredible!
Copy !req
102. You should adventure
with us all the time!
Copy !req
103. Heh, heh, heh.
Copy !req
104. All according to plan.
Copy !req
105. Uh, what?
Copy !req
106. Here's the translator.
Copy !req
107. Let's see here.
Copy !req
108. Voice options are...
Copy !req
109. Old man...
Copy !req
110. Nerdy alien...
Copy !req
111. or nightmare?
Copy !req
112. Try sayin' something, toots.
Copy !req
113. Then, I ate all the peaches
in the orchard.
Copy !req
114. And that farmer was so angry.
Copy !req
115. I like this voice.
Copy !req
116. And that's the end of my story.
Copy !req
117. Well, at least with old man option,
we can understand him.
Copy !req
118. I mean, her!
I mean you, sugar.
Copy !req
119. Hop on my back, and I'll give
you both a ride home.
Copy !req
120. Whatever you say, grandpa.
Copy !req
121. Come on, my darling.
Copy !req
122. Wrap your legs around me.
Copy !req
123. I remember why I drowned
that translator now.
Copy !req
124. Hey, grandpa, how are
you able to fly
Copy !req
125. if you don't have wings?
Copy !req
126. Well, light travels
from the sun,
Copy !req
127. then bounces off of our planet
and back into our eyes
Copy !req
128. so we can perceive color.
Copy !req
129. Whoa!
Copy !req
130. My body can intercept that light
and dance around on it.
Copy !req
131. Baby, it's a little
rocky in the back seat, here.
Copy !req
132. Shmow!
Copy !req
133. That forest wizard is
giving away free power rings!
Copy !req
134. Do you want to try
getting some, Finn?
Copy !req
135. Yeahs!
Copy !req
136. Lady-y-y!
Copy !req
137. Finn!
Copy !req
138. Lady!
Copy !req
139. Lady? Finn?
Copy !req
140. Y'all around here?
Dang it!
Copy !req
141. Whoa! Check it out!
Copy !req
142. Oh, did you see that?
Copy !req
143. This is, like, the
funnest thing ever!
Copy !req
144. There you are!
Copy !req
145. Where were you guys?
Copy !req
146. Wait a minute —
you didn't fly down with us?
Copy !req
147. I thought you were behind
us this whole time.
Copy !req
148. No!
I fell off your tail end.
Copy !req
149. I was shouting your name!
Copy !req
150. Oh, honey pot, we probably
Copy !req
151. couldn't hear you
because of the cloud density.
Copy !req
152. Jake!
Check out these power rings!
Copy !req
153. Whoa. That's cool.
You got 10 of them?
Copy !req
154. Yeah!
Lady got some, too.
Copy !req
155. Oh, that's cool.
Copy !req
156. Uh,
you want one of mine?
Copy !req
157. I've got so many.
Copy !req
158. Yeah! Thanks, man!
Copy !req
159. Oh, wait.
Copy !req
160. I can't take them off.
Copy !req
161. I guess they're cursed.
Still pretty cool, though.
Copy !req
162. Yeah, they're awesome.
Copy !req
163. Whoa!
Copy !req
164. All right, this time,
Copy !req
165. I'm gonna destroy you,
Copy !req
166. Okay. That sounds nice.
Copy !req
167. Oh, I got the sword!
Copy !req
168. Hey, Lady, you want to go play music
together or something?
Copy !req
169. Uh, oh, uh...
Copy !req
170. I-I would, but, uh, I'm in the
middle of this game.
Copy !req
171. Oh.
Copy !req
172. Hey, Finn,
after this next game,
Copy !req
173. do you want to go
adventurin' with me?
Copy !req
174. Lady and I are
going to a party
Copy !req
175. in the Cloud Kingdom
Copy !req
176. You should go to that with us.
Copy !req
177. Hmph!
Hmph! Hmph! Hmph!
Copy !req
178. Jake, stop sighing!
You're messing up my game!
Copy !req
179. Jake!
What's going on with you?
Copy !req
180. Nothing!
Copy !req
181. Aw, dang it!
Copy !req
182. Man, Lady, you're
too good at this.
Copy !req
183. Hey, it's time to
party with clouds!
Copy !req
184. Jake, you coming?
- No.
Copy !req
185. Dude, I thought you wanted
to spend more time...
Copy !req
186. with me and Lady together.
- I do!
Copy !req
187. - Then come on.
- No, you go ahead,
Copy !req
188. and you have fun
with my girlfriend!
Copy !req
189. Uh...
Copy !req
190. we're gonna head
to the party,
Copy !req
191. but you should meet us there
and stop acting weird.
Copy !req
192. They should be back by now.
Copy !req
193. Hello? Cloud Kingdom.
Copy !req
194. Uh, yes. Hello.
Copy !req
195. Um, I'm looking for Finn the human
and Lady Rainicorn.
Copy !req
196. Whoo-hoo!
Copy !req
197. Hello?
Can you hear me?
Copy !req
198. Hello!
Copy !req
199. Yeah.
They left a while ago.
Copy !req
200. A while ago?
Copy !req
201. What the?
Copy !req
202. Yeah, now make that orange.
Copy !req
203. And make that purple.
Copy !req
204. Wow, Lady, hanging out
with you is the best.
Copy !req
205. I like you, too, Finn.
Copy !req
206. Nooooooooooooooooooooo!
Copy !req
207. My girlfriend
in the arms of my best pal.
Copy !req
208. Well, two can play at that game,
sweet cheeks.
Copy !req
209. Let's see...
"Doug, Todd, Jerry, Dennis,
Copy !req
210. Reggie, Peter, George, Larry,
Luke, David, Benton,
Copy !req
211. Mike R.,
Mike H., Mike A.,
Copy !req
212. Gareth, Jennings,
Mr. International,
Copy !req
213. Mr. Outrageous, Captain Majesty,
Copy !req
214. the Flying Lettuce Brothers,
Copy !req
215. Pete the Punk."
Copy !req
216. Tiffany!
Copy !req
217. Perfect!
Copy !req
218. Man, I wish Jake was here
having fun with us.
Copy !req
219. Hey, where's that
music coming from?
Copy !req
220. Yeah, yeah, louder.
Copy !req
221. Jake, what are you doing?
Copy !req
222. Oh, hey, guys.
Copy !req
223. I'm just sharing
a tender moment
Copy !req
224. with my beautiful friend,
Copy !req
225. Stop!
You're making Lady jealous.
Copy !req
226. Well, I'm trying to
make you both jealous.
Copy !req
227. Why would I be
jealous of Tiffany?
Copy !req
228. Because Tiffany's a boy!
Copy !req
229. Ha ha ha ha ha!
Copy !req
230. Jake's my best friend now —
Copy !req
231. Yah!
Copy !req
232. Homewrecker!
Copy !req
233. Jake, what's going
on with you?
Copy !req
234. Oh, I guess I'm jealous
Copy !req
235. of how much you and
Finn like each other.
Copy !req
236. I'm hanging out with Finn
Copy !req
237. because you wanted us to get
to know each other better.
Copy !req
238. I know.
Copy !req
239. Get out of my life,
Tiffany, and never come back!
Copy !req
240. Oof!
No! Jake will be mine!
Copy !req
241. I'm sorry I'm an idiot, baby.
Forgive me?
Copy !req
242. Oh, sweet potato, I love you
because you're an idiot.
Copy !req
243. You make me feel
like a genius.
Copy !req
244. You make me feel like
I'm hugging an old man.
Copy !req
245. It's time to get rid
of this piece of crud.
Copy !req
246. Aah!
Copy !req
247. Yeah, way better.
Copy !req
248. Beat it, Tiffany!
Copy !req
249. Go on — get.
Copy !req
250. You'll never defeat me!
Copy !req
251. I will be Jake's best friend
because I'm Tiffany!
Copy !req
252. Aaaaaah!
Copy !req
253. I'm sorry I was an idiot.
You forgive me?
Copy !req
254. Shut up, man.
I don't want to hear that stuff.
Copy !req
255. Let me get in there.
Copy !req
256. Let's never be stupid again.
Copy !req
257. Wait.
Copy !req
258. Let's always be stupid —
Copy !req
259. Amen.
Copy !req