1. This is insane.
Copy !req
2. How did they
hijack the planes?
Copy !req
3. My sister said she
was watching the news.
Copy !req
4. One plane hit.
Copy !req
5. What?
Copy !req
6. Then,
about two minutes later,
Copy !req
7. the next plane hit.
Copy !req
8. You're joking?
Copy !req
9. Right into the front of
the World Trade Center.
Copy !req
10. Isn't that crazy, man?
Copy !req
11. That can't be real.
Copy !req
12. I swear
to God, it happened, dude.
Copy !req
13. We're gonna see 'em
on fire right over here.
Copy !req
14. What does it look like?
Copy !req
15. Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
16. No. Holy shit.
Copy !req
17. Holy fucking shit,
look at all those streets...
Copy !req
18. No. No.
Oh my God.
Copy !req
19. Jesus Christ.
Copy !req
20. Erin,
we can see over your
left shoulder there the,
Copy !req
21. the building's
still smoldering of
the World Trade Center.
Copy !req
22. Well it is a...
Copy !req
23. Grotesque
sight to look at from
Copy !req
24. about 30 blocks away
from where we are.
Copy !req
25. For those of
you just, uh, joining us,
Copy !req
26. let's just briefly
recap what we know.
Copy !req
27. About an hour ago,
Copy !req
28. about 8:45 eastern time,
Copy !req
29. one plane crashed
into, uh, the tower.
Copy !req
30. Watching this unfold on TV,
Copy !req
31. in the outer
ring of the Pentagon.
Copy !req
32. On the right, the tower
you can see behind me, uh,
Copy !req
33. and then about a
half hour later, uh,
Copy !req
34. a second plane
crashed into, uh, the tower.
Copy !req
35. And we
had a call from my friend and
Copy !req
36. classmate from the
Navy Command Center,
Copy !req
37. and all he says is,
Copy !req
38. "Another plane has been
hijacked from out of Dulles,
Copy !req
39. it's turned around and it's
heading for Washington."
Copy !req
40. So immediately
speculation begins.
Copy !req
41. Is it going to be
The White House?
Copy !req
42. The White House
is too small,
Copy !req
43. too hard to find from the air.
Copy !req
44. The Capitol Building's
easier to see but, you know,
Copy !req
45. there aren't a lot of
people in the Capitol Building
Copy !req
46. at any one time.
Copy !req
47. The only building that is
easy to find from the air that
Copy !req
48. has a lot of people in it,
Copy !req
49. the largest office building
in the world,
Copy !req
50. The Pentagon.
Copy !req
51. Within a couple of minutes,
Copy !req
52. began to hear the
sound of a jet engine,
Copy !req
53. and it was pretty
clear this plane
was on full throttle,
Copy !req
54. as if it were taking off,
Copy !req
55. but instead of the sound
diminishing with time,
Copy !req
56. it just kept getting louder
and louder and louder and
Copy !req
57. we realized this
is really happening.
Copy !req
58. They're coming for us.
Copy !req
59. Get back!
Everybody get back!
This way!
Copy !req
60. I probably
arrived at the scene about
five minutes after impact.
Copy !req
61. Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Copy !req
62. And initially
we were way overwhelmed
by the casualties.
Copy !req
63. Every 20, 30 seconds
you'd see somebody stumble
out of this open doorway.
Copy !req
64. Let's go!
Move, move now!
Copy !req
65. But there were
people that were still
trapped in the building,
Copy !req
66. and so I ran down
to the doorway.
Copy !req
67. I got a few feet inside
and I trip over somebody.
Copy !req
68. And I could
feel there's a,
Copy !req
69. what I think is a woman.
Copy !req
70. Two army guys ran
back in with me and the
three of us half dragged,
Copy !req
71. half carried her just a few
feet outside the building
and laid her down again.
Copy !req
72. Everybody out.
Copy !req
73. Everybody out.
Copy !req
74. I asked
her what her name was and
Copy !req
75. she said her name
was Antoinette,
Copy !req
76. and she said, uh,
"Am I going to die?"
Copy !req
77. And it was clear that
she was struggling to
breathe, so I told her,
Copy !req
78. "No, Antoinette,
you're not gonna die.
Copy !req
79. You're gonna be fine."
Copy !req
80. And I just stayed with
her and, and talked to her.
Copy !req
81. The FBI
is investigating reports that
Copy !req
82. there was a hijacking of
an American Airlines 767
Copy !req
83. out of Boston that was
perhaps one of the planes
Copy !req
84. that was involved in the,
Copy !req
85. this disaster this morning.
Copy !req
86. Apparently both towers
of the World Trade Center
Copy !req
87. were hit by aircraft and,
Copy !req
88. a report that
a plane has crashed into
The Pentagon this morning.
Copy !req
89. West Wing of The White
House has been evacuated.
Copy !req
90. President Bush was not there.
Copy !req
91. He was at a school
in Sarasota, Florida.
Copy !req
92. The New York City Fire
Department is issuing a call
for a total recall of all
Copy !req
93. officers and fire fighters.
Copy !req
94. Drop what you're doing,
report to your company.
Copy !req
95. A major disaster is occurring
in New York City this morning.
Copy !req
96. I stepped into the
news room and the Assistant
News Director turned to me,
Copy !req
97. and he pointed his
finger at me and he said,
Copy !req
98. "NJ, grab a cameraman,
grab a crew and go downtown."
Copy !req
99. I said, "Who do I take?"
Copy !req
100. I turned to the
Assignment Editor and I said,
Copy !req
101. "Whom do I take?"
and, and he said,
Copy !req
102. "The first
guy out of the garage.
Get in the truck and go."
Copy !req
103. At that point, I was still
looking at this as a story,
Copy !req
104. as a news story that
we were gonna tell on
the 6:00 news that night.
Copy !req
105. On our way down,
we resolved we were
gonna go into the towers.
Copy !req
106. We wanted to document the
heroism of the fire fighters.
Copy !req
107. Hey, step off.
Grab your guy and get 'em out.
Copy !req
108. Don't tell me this.
I've got press credentials.
Copy !req
109. I, I don't care.
I don't care. Get out.
Copy !req
110. What's your badge number?
Copy !req
111. Get out.
Don't worry about it.
Go! It's 44. Get out.
Copy !req
112. Who is that guy?
Copy !req
113. Get that guy out of there?
Copy !req
114. I understand...
Copy !req
115. When he
confronted us so quickly and,
Copy !req
116. and immediately we
were sort of taken aback.
Copy !req
117. Um, but then it was
clear, really, like,
Copy !req
118. almost instantly
that, you know what,
Copy !req
119. he's absolutely right.
Copy !req
120. We'd better not
go any farther, um.
Copy !req
121. But, yeah, I mean,
he might have saved our lives.
Copy !req
122. To the right.
Copy !req
123. Look at that.
Copy !req
124. So we crossed West Street
Copy !req
125. and we saw the
fire command post there.
Copy !req
126. The top two fire
commanders were both there,
Copy !req
127. like generals
organizing a battle plan.
Copy !req
128. So, so we, we felt
like we were safe there.
Copy !req
129. And
there was this whole battalion
Copy !req
130. of fire fighters, um,
in rows, standing there.
Copy !req
131. I mean they looked
like soldiers who were
gonna go into a battle.
Copy !req
132. But you look at their faces.
Copy !req
133. And they looked frightened.
Copy !req
134. They looked scared to me.
Copy !req
135. Certainly people are
streaming out of buildings
Copy !req
136. in lower Manhattan.
Copy !req
137. We can now tell
you that there's
not going to be trading
Copy !req
138. on the
New York Stock Exchange,
Copy !req
139. they're evacuating
the New York Stock Exchange.
Copy !req
140. NASDAQ was hoping to start
its computerized trading day
Copy !req
141. about two minutes
from now at 10:00
Copy !req
142. We don't know if
that's going to happen.
Copy !req
143. To this point,
the White House,
Copy !req
144. the Capital Building,
the State Department,
Copy !req
145. the Treasury at Washington,
Copy !req
146. all evacuated after the
blast struck the Pentagon.
Copy !req
147. Manhattan is sealed off.
Copy !req
148. If you wanna get in, you
cannot at this point in time.
Copy !req
149. We both just
kind of stood there and
Copy !req
150. I said to Marty, I said,
Copy !req
151. "Well, you know,
let's shoot a stand-up here,
Copy !req
152. while we're here."
Copy !req
153. And so I did, okay,
take one, and two, one.
Copy !req
154. This is as close
as we can get to the base
of the World Trade Center.
Copy !req
155. You can see the two towers,
Copy !req
156. debris continues to fall and
to rain on the people below.
Copy !req
157. there are people
hanging from the windows,
Copy !req
158. 90 stories up,
and a number of bodies have
Copy !req
159. actually hit the pavement.
Copy !req
160. I did the first take
on the stand-up and I
didn't like it at all.
Copy !req
161. I thought,
Copy !req
162. "Oh, that doesn't sound right.
Copy !req
163. I don't like that."
Copy !req
164. And I said to Marty,
Copy !req
165. "You know,
let me do another one."
Copy !req
166. Take two and two, one.
Copy !req
167. This is as close as
we can get to the base
of the World Trade Center.
Copy !req
168. You can see the
firemen assembled here,
the police officers,
Copy !req
169. FBI agents and you
can see the two towers.
Copy !req
170. A huge explosion now,
raining debris on all of us.
Copy !req
171. We'd better get
out of the way!
Copy !req
172. God.
Copy !req
173. Look out behind you,
look out behind you.
Copy !req
174. Please. Run, run.
Copy !req
175. Help.
Help me Jesus.
Copy !req
176. Anthony you okay?
Copy !req
177. Yeah.
Copy !req
178. Yes, please. Oh my God.
Copy !req
179. The whole site.
It's gone. The whole tower.
Copy !req
180. It's gone.
Copy !req
181. Holy crap!
Copy !req
182. They knocked the whole
friggin' thing down.
Copy !req
183. Holy god-damn.
Copy !req
184. They did it!
Copy !req
185. It's down.
Copy !req
186. The second tower's down.
Copy !req
187. Holy god-damn.
Copy !req
188. No.
Copy !req
189. The whole top of
the building fell off, dude.
Copy !req
190. Holy shit, dude.
It's fucking gone.
Copy !req
191. Look, they say it
was a bomb in there.
Copy !req
192. Oh my God,
man, it's gone.
Copy !req
193. Jesus Christ.
Copy !req
194. Look, it's gone man.
Copy !req
195. This is not happening.
Copy !req
196. Fucking lifted off.
Copy !req
197. This is so fucked up!
Copy !req
198. This is not happening.
Copy !req
199. The entire
World Trade Center on the,
Copy !req
200. the south building
just fell.
Copy !req
201. I just saw the whole thing.
Copy !req
202. Oh my God. Oh my God.
Copy !req
203. I can't see anything up.
The whole thing went down.
Copy !req
204. That the...
Copy !req
205. Oh my God.
Copy !req
206. Oh, I saw the
building crumble.
Copy !req
207. It's all the way down.
Copy !req
208. I can't see, I can't
see what's still standing.
Copy !req
209. Oh my God.
Copy !req
210. A
situation that, uh, started
Copy !req
211. bad just gets worse
and worse and worse.
Copy !req
212. The World Trade Center,
Copy !req
213. South Tower,
has totally collapsed.
Copy !req
214. Again, uh, we've had no
reports of, uh, casualties.
Copy !req
215. Obviously, there are...
Copy !req
216. Everybody was running away,
Copy !req
217. and we didn't know
where we were running to.
Copy !req
218. I turn around and
there was this door and
Copy !req
219. it's a way to escape.
Copy !req
220. Marty, on me again.
I'm rolling,
I'm rolling.
Copy !req
221. Alright.
Copy !req
222. We don't know what's
happened inside.
Copy !req
223. What we know we
have to do is just
keep running the other way.
Copy !req
224. The firemen are
going this way, so
are the police officers,
Copy !req
225. and we don't know
what's happening.
Copy !req
226. Out.
Copy !req
227. Everybody out!
Copy !req
228. Everybody out.
Copy !req
229. Let's go!
Copy !req
230. Everyone out.
Copy !req
231. Keep it moving. He was
just in the building...
Copy !req
232. All
these years I'm asking myself
what if there was no door?
Copy !req
233. Go, go!
Copy !req
234. And you know there were
people behind us that did
Copy !req
235. not make it through the door.
Copy !req
236. Both Jen and I ran
back across the street
Copy !req
237. where we thought the
entrance to the building was.
Copy !req
238. We hit a glass wall
Copy !req
239. and that's where
we got buried alive.
Copy !req
240. The ten to
12 people that were with us,
Copy !req
241. we were all banging, clawing,
trying to break that window.
Copy !req
242. It wasn't breaking.
Copy !req
243. And
at that point my nose and
Copy !req
244. my mouth were just
filling up with dust and
Copy !req
245. whatever else was in the
air and I couldn't breathe.
Copy !req
246. Even with my shirt
over my mouth,
Copy !req
247. I couldn't breathe and I just,
Copy !req
248. I remember slowly
sinking to the ground and,
and thinking this is it.
Copy !req
249. I'm gonna, I'm gonna die.
Copy !req
250. And I'm getting upset about
it now but, in that moment,
it was very peaceful and,
Copy !req
251. even though I didn't know that
the tower had collapsed, um,
Copy !req
252. I didn't really know
what had happened,
Copy !req
253. I do remember
thinking distinctly that
at least my parents are
Copy !req
254. going to get my body back.
Copy !req
255. My parents were.
Copy !req
256. You know, I was whole.
Copy !req
257. I was whole.
Copy !req
258. I wasn't damaged, and my
parents would get me back.
Copy !req
259. My parents were going
to have me and to take home.
Copy !req
260. I stepped
back and I basically
said a little prayer
Copy !req
261. 'cause I knew
we were gonna die.
Copy !req
262. I grabbed Jen,
I closed my eyes
Copy !req
263. and then all of a sudden
Copy !req
264. one individual got to his gun.
Copy !req
265. There was this
pap-pap-pap noise.
Copy !req
266. Next thing I knew I
was being yanked through
and over broken glass.
Copy !req
267. Later on I found out it was a
police officer who got to his
Copy !req
268. secondary gun and shot out
the window and saved us all.
Copy !req
269. In. Yoily. Yoily.
Copy !req
270. In. Deep breath.
Copy !req
271. In, in. Hold it.
Copy !req
272. I don't think anybody
really understood, even then,
Copy !req
273. what happened
to the twin towers.
Copy !req
274. I was numb,
like in, in, in shock.
Copy !req
275. I still don't remember.
Copy !req
276. It was disbelief.
Copy !req
277. This cannot be real.
Copy !req
278. As
we exited out of the tower
Copy !req
279. I can hear this rush of air,
Copy !req
280. feeling the heat and then
this thumping sound and,
Copy !req
281. and then it
was just smack down,
Copy !req
282. just plastered down.
Copy !req
283. Completely buried.
Copy !req
284. A slab of concrete falling at
an angle had knocked me down,
Copy !req
285. but it was protecting me.
Copy !req
286. I was sort of in a
little cocoon, and
it got just dead quiet,
Copy !req
287. to the point where I said,
Copy !req
288. "You know what, I dead."
Copy !req
289. At that point,
Copy !req
290. the thought's going
through my mind where
Copy !req
291. "Well my kids, I have
a birthday to plan and my,
Copy !req
292. my daughter's
going to be born.
Copy !req
293. I'm not gonna be
around for my kids.
Copy !req
294. I won't even see my daughter's
face when she's born.
Copy !req
295. I have to be there."
Copy !req
296. But as I started to move,
someone grabbed my ankle.
Copy !req
297. Said he was a security
guard and he said,
Copy !req
298. "If we stay here,
they'll find us."
Copy !req
299. I said, "If you stay
here you're either
Copy !req
300. gonna smother or you're
gonna burn to death".
Copy !req
301. And I started digging,
Copy !req
302. and he followed
behind me
Copy !req
303. and finally we
saw a little peephole,
a light, and I looked at him.
Copy !req
304. I said, "Okay, I'm
gonna push you through."
Copy !req
305. He was smaller than I was.
Copy !req
306. I said,
"See if you can move some
stuff so I can get out."
Copy !req
307. And he squeezed passed me
and I helped push him out
Copy !req
308. and, uh, I got back down,
I was waiting.
Copy !req
309. I didn't see anything
happening and, when I
stuck my head back out,
Copy !req
310. he had been, uh, walking
away down a pile of debris.
Copy !req
311. So I started yelling
at him, "Yo, yo."
Copy !req
312. And he just kept waving,
like, come on, come on.
Copy !req
313. And I, I was the only
one talking, um, and I said,
Copy !req
314. "I can't get out."
Copy !req
315. And at that point I could see
Copy !req
316. he's wearing like
his security guard suit,
Copy !req
317. but he just kept going.
Copy !req
318. At that moment, I got
really angry and I picked
up a piece of concrete that
Copy !req
319. was laying there and I,
Copy !req
320. I actually threw it at him.
Copy !req
321. That's, that's
how angry I was, um.
Copy !req
322. I missed him, you know,
and luckily,
Copy !req
323. luckily I did because
I would have had
Copy !req
324. to live with that
the rest of my life.
Copy !req
325. But once he left me there, um,
Copy !req
326. just the next thought is,
Copy !req
327. "Okay, I'm on my own.
Copy !req
328. You're gonna have to
do what you have to do."
Copy !req
329. When
you're in the military,
Copy !req
330. you're trained for battle.
Copy !req
331. I've been to sea on submarines
where we had casualties where
Copy !req
332. I had to run to the scene
of a casualty and,
Copy !req
333. and you know put out a fire
or something like that.
Copy !req
334. Nothing compared to what
we experienced that day.
Copy !req
335. And at some point,
Copy !req
336. one of the security
guards started yelling,
Copy !req
337. "There's another plane coming.
Copy !req
338. Everybody needs to move
away from the building."
Copy !req
339. We need to
gather up this paramedic
equipment and move it.
Copy !req
340. What have
we got going on?
Copy !req
341. There's an
aircraft coming.
Copy !req
342. Let's go, go. Move!
Copy !req
343. Two planes
hit the World Trade Center.
Copy !req
344. Pentagon is a huge target.
Copy !req
345. It just made
sense for two planes
to hit The Pentagon too.
Copy !req
346. So, we took this
threat very seriously.
Copy !req
347. Get back, get back.
Copy !req
348. They've got
another inbound plane.
Copy !req
349. Josh.
Copy !req
350. Everybody
get back, get back.
Copy !req
351. Get back.
Copy !req
352. Go, go, go.
Copy !req
353. Every
airport in the United States
Copy !req
354. has been shut down
as the FAA and the
Copy !req
355. government tries to
figure out exactly are there
more attacks yet to come.
Copy !req
356. CNN's David Ensor joins
us from Washington.
Copy !req
357. David, where in the
capital are you now?
Copy !req
358. Well Aaron,
I'm, uh, I'm in our bureau
Copy !req
359. but I have on the
telephone with me Barbara.
Copy !req
360. I remember looking down
and seeing the smoke,
Copy !req
361. and I remember thinking
Copy !req
362. if at any point in my life
Copy !req
363. what I did
mattered it was now.
Copy !req
364. They lost
radar contact with Flight 93.
Copy !req
365. Any aircraft attempting to
enter a Washington class bravo
Copy !req
366. airspace will be shot down.
Copy !req
367. But it normally takes
ten to 20 minutes to get
Copy !req
368. real missiles loaded
up on the jets,
Copy !req
369. so we didn't have any
live weapons on board.
Copy !req
370. There's no way for us to
shoot this airliner down.
Copy !req
371. I was
just a brand new wing man.
Copy !req
372. I had recently earned my
combat mission ready status.
Copy !req
373. My flight lead
at the time was our
Director of Operations,
Copy !req
374. Mark Sassaville.
Copy !req
375. His call sign was Sass.
Copy !req
376. Go for eight-six.
Turn right heading 0-8-0.
Copy !req
377. We're gonna bank
here for the traffic.
Copy !req
378. And
I distinctly remember I run
after Sass down the hallway,
Copy !req
379. down the stairs
into life support
where our flight lockers
Copy !req
380. are and where
all of our gear is.
Copy !req
381. And I'm zipping up
my flight suit when Sass
looks at me and says,
Copy !req
382. "I'll ram the cockpit."
Copy !req
383. And I knew I
would ram the tail.
Copy !req
384. We knew without missiles,
Copy !req
385. that this would
be a suicide mission.
Copy !req
386. Going after a
civilian airliner,
Copy !req
387. with innocent
Americans on board.
Copy !req
388. And these were citizens that,
Copy !req
389. that we had sworn to protect.
Copy !req
390. We flew to the North West and
we searched and we searched.
Copy !req
391. We were too late for anything.
Copy !req
392. The passengers
of Flight 93,
Copy !req
393. they had
to make that choice.
Copy !req
394. On
the morning of September 11th,
Copy !req
395. I heard my
sister-in-law, Kathy,
Copy !req
396. run out of her bedroom
door and down the hall and
answer the kitchen phone.
Copy !req
397. And I heard Kathy say,
Copy !req
398. "Well we love you too, Mark.
Copy !req
399. Let me get your Mom."
Copy !req
400. And then she saw me and said,
Copy !req
401. "Alice, come talk to Mark.
He's been hijacked."
Copy !req
402. And I took the phone
and I heard Mark's voice.
Copy !req
403. He said, "Mom,
this is Mark Bingham.
Copy !req
404. I just wanna
tell you I love you.
Copy !req
405. I'm on a flight from
Newark to San Francisco and
Copy !req
406. there are three guys on
board who have taken over the
Copy !req
407. plane and they
say they have a bomb.
Copy !req
408. You believe me,
don't you Mom?"
Copy !req
409. I said, "Yes, Mark,
I believe you.
Copy !req
410. Who are those guys?"
Copy !req
411. And then the phone went dead.
Copy !req
412. After
Mark's phone call was dropped,
Copy !req
413. the three of us,
Kathy, Yvonne and I,
Copy !req
414. stood around in
the kitchen trying to
figure out what to do.
Copy !req
415. At about that time Kathy,
Copy !req
416. who had been watching
the television for
a few minutes said,
Copy !req
417. "Guys, come look at this."
Copy !req
418. So we went and, uh...
Copy !req
419. into the, uh, den there
and watched, and we saw.
Copy !req
420. We saw images of
the North Tower and the
South Tower in flames,
Copy !req
421. and we realized that Mark
needed to be told that he was
Copy !req
422. part of a much bigger scenario
so I excused myself,
Copy !req
423. I went into another room and
dialed his cell phone number.
Copy !req
424. End of message.
Copy !req
425. He was a young man.
Copy !req
426. He was a force for
good in the world.
Copy !req
427. I had never taught Mark
how to kill anybody,
Copy !req
428. but I saw him do some
pretty rough stuff on the
Copy !req
429. rugby pitch but
always in fun and in the
spirit of sportsmanship,
Copy !req
430. and now I was hoping
against hope that my
son could be a killer.
Copy !req
431. But I knew that Mark would
be able to seize the moment.
Copy !req
432. Fucking nuts to
go in there bro, get out!
Copy !req
433. Hey, come on guys.
Let's go!
Copy !req
434. At any point,
Copy !req
435. it would have been
easier to just sit down and
Copy !req
436. that would have
been the end of me.
Copy !req
437. But then I just kept thinking
I can't just lay here waiting.
Copy !req
438. Don't, don't give up.
Copy !req
439. Just, I don't know if everybody
has that don't give up.
Copy !req
440. Most of the New Yorkers I know,
they don't give up. They don't.
Copy !req
441. You can knock 'em down,
they get up again.
Copy !req
442. You knock 'em down,
Copy !req
443. they get up again and I just
squeezed through the concrete,
Copy !req
444. the rebar, um.
Copy !req
445. I scraped my body down from
the top of my head to my feet.
Copy !req
446. At the moment, that
was the only way out.
Copy !req
447. There was no one else there.
Copy !req
448. It was me getting through
there or, or not getting out.
Copy !req
449. When I
came out through that hole,
Copy !req
450. it was like a
blizzard down there.
Copy !req
451. Papers grey,
embers flying around.
Copy !req
452. But
when I looked straight up,
Copy !req
453. perfectly blue sky and
I could see my tower behind me
Copy !req
454. still standing there.
Copy !req
455. And that's when I
realized I'm still around.
Copy !req
456. Whatever had happened
to me, it didn't get me.
Copy !req
457. I survived.
Copy !req
458. I was lucky.
I was very lucky.
Copy !req
459. Still around, guys.
Still around.
Copy !req
460. Want to talk
to us a little bit?
Copy !req
461. I'll make it.
Copy !req
462. What's your name?
Copy !req
463. Tom Canavan.
Copy !req
464. Tom,
what happened man?
Copy !req
465. Uh, big boom.
Copy !req
466. Come down the steps,
everything fine till we
got to the basement and then
Copy !req
467. everything just fell in.
Copy !req
468. I gets trapped under there
with another guy, crawled out.
Copy !req
469. Kept getting hit in the head,
get bounced all around.
Copy !req
470. Finally, we crawled our
way out over the rubble.
Copy !req
471. Come on now.
We did alright.
Copy !req
472. Alright.
Way to be Tom.
Copy !req
473. Let's go.
Copy !req
474. Amos, right down.
Amos, straight down.
Copy !req
475. Oorah!
Copy !req
476. Kitty. Kitty, let me
interrupt for just a second.
Copy !req
477. The associated press is
reporting that, uh, federal
officials fear that another
Copy !req
478. hijacked plane is headed
towards the Pentagon and I'm
looking for the time on this.
Copy !req
479. We will continue
to check that out.
Copy !req
480. Kitty, I apologize
for interrupting.
Copy !req
481. Why don't you continue?
Copy !req
482. The
three of us were very quiet.
Copy !req
483. We all knew that
it was a very grave
situation that Mark faced.
Copy !req
484. My brother tried to
cheer me a little bit,
Copy !req
485. he pointed out that since
the hijackers had been so
Copy !req
486. successful taking down
the World Trade Center,
Copy !req
487. uh, and, and the Pentagon,
Copy !req
488. that maybe Flight 93
would land safely.
Copy !req
489. And even as he was saying
it and I was listening,
Copy !req
490. we knew both of us that
that just wasn't gonna
Copy !req
491. happen that way.
Copy !req
492. We've got the patch
confirming this plane crash
in Somerset, Pennsylvania.
Copy !req
493. We don't know if it's a
big plane, small plane...
Copy !req
494. Any relation to this.
Copy !req
495. Flight 93,
Newark to SFO has crashed.
Copy !req
496. Pennsylvania.
Copy !req
497. Again, United Flight 93,
Copy !req
498. Newark to SFO has
crashed in Pennsylvania
Copy !req
499. per United Airlines.
Copy !req
500. I'm now told
Copy !req
501. that United Airlines is
now saying that Flight,
Copy !req
502. can you tell me the
number of the flight,
Copy !req
503. 93 has crashed
in Pennsylvania.
Copy !req
504. Now I don't.
Copy !req
505. It crashed in Somerset
County, Pennsylvania
Copy !req
506. near the town of Shanksville.
Copy !req
507. South of Pittsburgh
we're told,
Copy !req
508. about 80 miles
outside of Pittsburgh.
Copy !req
509. It is not known how many...
Copy !req
510. That was hard to take in.
Copy !req
511. The crew were on board
although initial reports...
Copy !req
512. But I, I knew that the,
Copy !req
513. that I would never see Mark
alive again and none of those
Copy !req
514. innocent people
on Flight 93 would see
their loved ones again.
Copy !req
515. The
plane that crashed in Western
Pennsylvania we are now told
Copy !req
516. was a United Flight 93
out of Newark,
Copy !req
517. and it was
headed for San Francisco.
Copy !req
518. Now was that one of
the hijacked planes?
Copy !req
519. Did some heroic pilot
perhaps save an awful lot
of lives in Washington?
Copy !req
520. We don't know at this point,
Copy !req
521. but we do know that it was
Copy !req
522. United Flight 93
out of Newark,
Copy !req
523. heading west on its
way to San Francisco.
Copy !req
524. Even though our boys were not
able to save their own lives,
Copy !req
525. they saved countless
lives on the ground,
Copy !req
526. and I'm very grateful for what
they were able to do that day.
Copy !req
527. We saw
a lot of bridges and,
um, we're drinking beer.
Copy !req
528. We got, bought some toys.
Copy !req
529. And I'm deeply in love and,
about it all the good stuff.
Copy !req
530. I don't know where
I lucked out so much to have
a son like Mark Bingham,
Copy !req
531. he was, he was a
wonderful young man.
Copy !req
532. I can't take any
credit for it,
Copy !req
533. it just was something
that Mark had and
Copy !req
534. very grateful for that.
Copy !req
535. You're
really seeing a lot of people
Copy !req
536. trying to move north,
Copy !req
537. away from any
place downtown near the
World Trade Center area.
Copy !req
538. People are just walking.
Copy !req
539. The subways
are stopped entirely,
Copy !req
540. all around the area
of the World Trade Center.
Copy !req
541. You can't get below
14th Street and there just
feels to be like a massive
Copy !req
542. exodus of people walking north
to get away from the area.
Copy !req
543. Captioned by
Cotter Media Group
Copy !req