Ileiad's Inferno

Request Used
!req Breaking Bad S01E04 [Then why don't you just] [fucking die, already?] [Just give up and die] 1
!req Come and See 1985 [1:48:01] {2:22:49} 1
!req Come and See 1985 [1:48:01] {2:22:49} 1
!req Come and See 1985 [1:48:01] {2:22:49} 1
!req Come and See 1985 [1:48:01] {2:22:49} 1
!parallel Taxi Driver 1976 [No, I mean, you wouldn't know. But you know who lives there?] | Captain America: The Winter Soldier 2014 [Don't say it. Don't you say it.] 1
!req Amélie 2001 [Cracking crème brûlée] [with a teaspoon.] 1
!req Gone Girl 2014 [Cool Girl is hot.] [Cool Girl is game.] [Cool Girl is fun.] [Cool Girl never gets angry at her man.] 1
!palette Come and See 1985 [1:48:01] {2:22:49} 1
!req Come and See 1985 [338] [440] 1
!req Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 2005 [This is the end for you, my master.] 1
!req Freddy Got Fingered 2001 [Father, I... I will be a good man.] [You make your daddy proud. You hear me?] [I'm gonna make you proud, Daddy.] [I'm gonna make you so proud.] [Make your daddy proud.] [- You're gonna be so proud.- Proud?] [Proud.] [Get the fuck outta the way!] 1
!req There Will Be Blood 2007 [1214] 1
!req Trainspotting 1996 [785] [786] [787] 1
!parallel Chungking Express (1994) [44:52] {1:42:46} | Masculin Féminin (1966) [05:25] {1:44:13} | Trainspotting (1996) [23:06] {1:33:51} | Paris, Texas (1984) [1:44:19] {2:24:49} | Lost in Translation (2003) [52:16] {1:41:46} | 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) [2:12:42] {2:28:51} --dimensions 3x2 1
!req Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 2003 [961] [961] [961] [961] --dimensions 2x2 1
!req Buffalo '66 1998 [188] [189] [190] 1
!parallel Chungking Express (1994) [44:52] | Masculin Féminin (1966) [05:25] | Trainspotting (1996) [23:06] | Paris, Texas (1984) [1:44:19] | Lost in Translation (2003) [52:16] | 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) [2:12:42] --dimensions 2x3 1
!parallel Chungking Express (1994) [44:52] | Masculin Féminin (1966) [05:25] | Trainspotting (1996) [23:06] | Paris, Texas (1984) [1:44:19] | Lost in Translation (2003) [52:16] | 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) [2:12:42] 1
!req Spider-Man 3 2007 [887] [888] [889] [890] 1
!parallel Neutral Milk Hotel - In The Aeroplane Over the Sea !cover | Freddy Got Fingered 2001 [167] 1
!parallel have a nice life - deathconsciousness !cover | giles corey - giles corey !cover | sadness - i want to be there !cover | deafheaven - sunbather !cover | American Psycho 2000 [1070.] 1
!req Airplane! 1980 [Cream?] [No, thank you. I take it black.] [Like my men.] 1
!req Breaking Bad S01E07 [328] [330] [331] [327] 1
!req Amélie 2001 [Amélie doesn't have a boyfriend.] [She tried once or twice, but the results were a let-down.] 1
!req The Death of Stalin 2017 [1102] [1103] 1
!req Drive 2011 [637] [638] [640] [641] 1
!req American Psycho 2000 [217-222] 1
!parallel Monty Python and the Holy Grail 1975 [- Who are you?- We are the knights who say "Ni"! --remove-second] | Captain America: The Winter Soldier 2014 [Don't say it. Don't you say it.] 1
!req Manchester by the Sea 2016 [95-68] 1
!req Freddy Got Fingered 2001 [663-670] 1
!parallel American Psycho (2000) [Patrick, it's you! You're the American Psycho (2000)] | Blade Runner (2049) [He didn't say that.] | Submarine (2010) [Watch Free Movies ane TV Shows] 1
!req Shoplifters 2018 [1:12:34] [1:12:37] [1:1240] 1
!parallel Her (2013) [0:43] | Blade Runner 2049 (2017) [416] 1
!req No Country for Old Men 2007 [89-91] --dimensions 1x3 --font helvetica-italic 1
!parallel American Psycho (2000) [31:29] | merzbow - pulse demon !cover [0:0 --custom-crop 0,0,100,50] --border 2,2 --border-color white 1
!parallel Another Round 2020 [1:29:18] | Jagten 2012 [1:32:30] | Another Round 2020 [1:29:21 --plus 300] | Jagten 2012 [1:32:40] --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1.1 --border 2,2 --border-color black 1
!parallel Taxi Driver 1976 [318-319] [35:33] | Come and See 1985 [1:47:50 --plus 700] 1
!req The Godfather: Part II 1974 [677-678] 1
!swap Avengers: Endgame 2019 [2331] [2331] [2331] [2331] [2331] [2331] | Whiplash 2014 [281 --empty] [282 --remove-second] [282 --remove-first --empty] [283 --remove-second] [283 --remove-first --empty] [284] --dimensions 2x3 1
!req Life of Brian 1979 [566] 1
!parallel Another Round 2020 [1:29:18] | Jagten 2012 [1:32:30] | Another Round 2020 [1:29:21 --plus 300] | Jagten 2012 [1:32:40] --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1.1 --border 2,2 --border-color black 1
!parallel Superbad 2007 [27:30] | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 2001 [307] [308 --remove-second] 1
!req Whiplash 2014 [148] 1
!swap JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: S01E01 [237] [0] [238] | There Will Be Blood 2007 [2:27:43] [1279 --remove-first --empty] [2:28:13] 1
!parallel Taxi Driver 1976 [318-319] [35:33] | Come and See 1985 [1:47:50 --plus 770] 1
!swap Avengers: Endgame 2019 [0] [2331] | Requiem for a Dream 2000 [1011 --empty] [1:31:45 --plus 400] --dimensions 1x2 1
!swap Bee Movie 2007 [799] | GoodFellas 1990 [320] 1
!req There Will Be Blood 2007 [1109] [2:14:17] [13:29] [14:32] [32:25] [2:15:58] [1128] [1129] --dimensions 2x4 1
!swap Avengers: Endgame 2019 [2331] [2331] [2331] [2331] [2331] [2331] [2331] [2331] | There Will Be Blood 2007 [1198 --empty] [1203] [1205 --empty] [1212] [1213 --empty] [1214] [1215 --empty] [1216 --empty] --dimensions 2x4 1
!parallel Taxi Driver 1976 [No, I mean, you wouldn't know. But you know who lives there?] | Captain America: The Winter Soldier 2014 [Don't say it. Don't you say it.] --dimensions 1x2 1
!req Bee Movie [1010] 1
!req Slowdive - Alison !song [0:28] [1:28] 1
!req Uncut Gems 2019 [34:00] [368] 1
!swap Uncut Gems [2075 --remove-second] [1840 --remove-second] | Good Time 2017 [1551-1552] --dimensions 1x2 --font-color yellow --y-offset 40 1
!swap Oldboy 2003 [0] [0] [917] | Avengers: Endgame 2019 [2328 --empty] [2330 --empty] [2331] --dimensions 1x3 1
!req the shawshank redemption [2:16:50] 1
!swap Avengers: Endgame 2019 [0] [2331] [0] | Captain America: The Winter Soldier 2014 [4 --empty] [5 --remove-second] [5 --remove-first --empty] 1
!req Bee Movie 2007 [684-685] 1
!swap The Eric Andre Show: S02E02 [111] | Come and See 1985 [1:47:50 --plus 700] 1
!swap Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood 2019 [951] [953] | Taxi Driver 1976 [512] [523] --dimensions 1x2 1
!swap The Shawshank Redemption 1994 [0] [609] [610] | Drive 2011 [59:08 --empty] [59:00] [58:57] --dimensions 1x3 1
!swap The Wolf of Wall Street 2013 [0] [0] [0] [639] | Taxi Driver 1975 [1026 --remove-first --empty] [1027 --empty] [1028 --empty] [1047] --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1.3 1
!req Shoplifters 2018 [1:12:31] [1:12:34] [1:12:36] 1
!parallel Taxi Driver 1976 [318-319] | The Suicide Squad [13:08] | Taxi Driver 1976 [35:33] --dimensions 1x3 1
!swap Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood 2019 [951] [1107--remove-first] [0] | Drive 2011 [0:26:09] [0:26:11] [1:33:40 --empty] --dimensions 1x3 1
!swap Lord of War 2005 [1144] [1145] [1295] | Blade Runner 2049 [451] [469] [466] --dimensions 1x3 1
!swap A Face in the Crowd 1957 [553 --remove-second] | Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox 2013 [1:12:01 --plus 500] 1
!swap Nightcrawler 2014 [1691] [0] | Shrek 2001 [56:24 --plus 500] [56:25 --plus 500 --empty] --dimensions 1x2 1
!swap Ex Machina 2015 [582] | Inland Empire 2006 [2:45:20] 1
!req Spider-Man 2 2004 [482 --plus 300] [44:04 --plus 200] [44:05] [44:06] 1
!parallel Scott Pilgrim vs The World (2010) [00:07:12] | Spider-Man 2002 [17:36] | Scott Pilgrim vs The World (2010) [00:23:04 --minus 500] | Spider-Man 2002 [17:36] | Scott Pilgrim vs The World (2010) [00:56:45] | Spider-Man 2002 [17:36] | Scott Pilgrim vs The World (2010) [00:01:28] | Spider-Man 2002 [17:36]--dimensions 2x4 1
!parallel deathconsciousness !cover [0:0] | the godfather: part ii [3:10:55 --custom-crop 50,0,100,100] 1
!parallel Spider-Man 2 2004 [2:01:05] | Spider-Man 2002 [17:36] | Spider-Man 2 2004 [1:20:49] | Spider-Man 2002 [17:36] | Spider-Man 3 2008 [56:16] | Spider-Man 2002 [17:36] | Spider-Man 2 2004 [8:47] | Spider-Man 2002 [17:36 --plus 350] --dimensions 2x4 1
!swap Serpico 1973 [0] [0] [0] [410 --remove-second] | Good Will Hunting 1997 [619 --empty] [620 --remove-second --empty] [621 --empty] [658] --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1.4 1
!req Cruella 2021 [1233-1236 --no-merge] --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1.2 1
!parallel The Dark Knight 2008 [1:36:49] | Joker 2019 [1:47:00] | Cruella 2021 [1:11:43] --dimensions 1x3 1
!parallel Cuties [00:46] | A Clockwork Orange [1:13:53] 1
!req the perks of being a wallflower [648] [649] [650] --dimensions 1x3 --aspect-quotient 2.1 1
!req the perks of being a wallflower [635] [638] [639] [640] --dimensions 2x2 1
!swap mother! [917] | the shining [02:10:00 --plus 500] 1
!swap Whiplash [104] [105] | Blade Runner 2049 2017 [399] [45:06 --plus 700] --dimensions 1x2 1
!parallel the dark knight [24:30] | joker [1:30:33] | cruella [58:40] 1
!req the dark knight [39 --plus 3000] [4:48 --image-url redacted-url --image-position 15,75 --image-size 1.4] 1
!parallel Rick and Morty S03E03 [0:00:56 --plus 2000 --custom-crop 0,0,50,100] [0:00:56 --plus 2000 --custom-crop 50,0,100,100] | Joker [857 --plus 700] [1:06:56] --aspect-quotient 1.2 --dimensions 2x2 1
!swap Breaking Bad S05E14 [212] [215] | Better Call Saul S03E10 [268] [269] 1
!req (500) Days of Summer 2009 [1:10:02] [1:10:03] --dimensions 1x2 1
!swap Boogie Nights 1997 [220] [213] [1513] [0] | Watchmen 2009 [3:16:10] [3:16:17] [3:16:35] [3:17:16 --empty] --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1.3 --font-size 50 1
!swap Regular Show S01E01 [0] [0] [1] | The Lord of the Rings : The Fellowship of the Ring [1738-1739 --empty --no-merge --plus 300] [3:20:18] --dimensions 1x3 1
!palette Amélie [0:12:25] 1
!swap the truman show 1998 [1092] [1093] | joker 2019 [1:45:47] [1:45:49 --plus 500] --y-offset 30 1
!parallel Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 2003 [428] [429] | Amélie [0:12:25] --dimensions 1x3 1
!req Spider-Man 2 2004 [55:09] [55:10] [55:11] 1
!swap Full Metal Jacket [974] [975] | Cruella [53:46] [54:22] 1
!parallel Come and See [23:35] | Inglourious Basterds 2009 [2:29:29] --aspect-quotient 1.5 1
!req Forrest Gump 1994 [1045] [1:21:34] 1
!parallel Come and See 1985 [1:47:52 --plus 500] | Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood 2019 [1072] --aspect-quotient 2.1 1
!swap Cowboy Bebop S01E25 [0] [0] [32] | The Lord of the Rings : The Fellowship of the Ring [1738-1739 --empty --no-merge --plus 300] [3:20:18] 1
!req Twin Peaks S02E04 [334] 1
!req Chernobyl S01E05 [476] [480] [481] [767] --dimensions 1x4 1
!req Chernobyl S01E05 [833-836] --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1.3 1
!parallel Coldplay - Yellow !song [3:56] | Come and See 1985 [1:47:52 --plus 500] --dimensions 1x2 --aspect-quotient 1.7 1
!req lord of war [291-292] 1
!parallel The Dark Knight Rises [2:36:23 --plus 109] | American Psycho 2000 [1:36:27] 1
!swap Certain Women 2016 [0 ] [0] [388] [0] | (500) Days of Summer 2009 [127 --empty] [128 --empty] [10:26] [1:30:29 --empty] 1
!req Chernobyl S01E02 [261-266] 1
!req Chernobyl S01E03 [24:14] [24:20] [24:24 --plus 500] 1
!req Burn After Reading [34-36] 1
!swap Dune 2021 [396] [397] [398] | Chernobyl S01E05 [39:18] [40:37] [40:47] 1
!swap Breaking Bad S03E02 [324] [324] [324] | Better Call Saul S04E10 [801 --plus 1000 --empty] [59:19 --empty] [59:20] 1
!req Better Call Saul S06E03 [341-344] --no-collage 1
!req Better Call Saul S02E02 [328] 1
!req Better Call Saul S06E04 [195] [197] 1
!req Better Call Saul S06E01 [411] [430] 1
!req Smiling Friends S01E02 [84 --plus 1000] [85] [3:37 --plus 500] 1
!parallel Come and See [55:02] | Smiling Friends S01E04 [113 --plus 2000] 1
!swap !swap Avengers: Endgame 2019 [2331] [2331] [2331] [2331] [2331] [2331] | Whiplash 2014 [281 --empty] [282 --remove-second] [282 --remove-first --empty] [283 --remove-second] [283 --remove-first --empty] [284] --dimensions 2x3 /* cloned */ 1