Bracket flags

By default, the following post-processing options modify a single bracket.

An example of a functional Bracket flag would look like this:

[You talking to me --plus 300]


The following options are only for brackets; they don’t modify the entire request.

Quote processing


Remove the first part of a dialogue if found.


Remove the second part of a dialogue if found.


[- Some question. - Some answer. --remove-first]


[Some answer.]


By default, Kinobot will try to merge a list of quotes by context. This flag will disable such behaviour.

Take this example of a mergeable list of quotes:


"This is a quote...", "and yes, it is a quote."


"This is a quote and yes, it is a quote."

These quotes are being merged because Kinobot assumes they are being said by the same person.

In the other hand, an example of a non-mergeable list of quotes would look like this:


"Hello.", "Hello there."


"Hello.", "Hello there."


Like stated on --no-merge, Kinobot tries to merge quotes by context. This flag will try to merge the quotes no matter the context guessed by the punctuation.


This should only be used for a list of quotes in which you are sure they are from the same person.


It’s a known fact that the less the amount of images the better. The correct use of this flag will have an own Badge in the future.


An integer defining the limit of characters for the merge (default: 60).


--no-merge, --wild-merge and --merge_chars will only work in the first bracket of a request item (e.g. !req MOVIE [CONTENT --wild-merge] [CONTENT])


If the request is of swap type, don’t draw any quote to the destination image.

Milliseconds processing


An integer of the amount of milliseconds to add (default: 0) (limit: 3000).


An integer of the amount of milliseconds to subtract (default: 0) (limit: 3000).


--plus -30 is equal to --minus 30. --minus is used for better readability.

Image processing


An integer of the relative horizontal offset for the cropped image (default: 0) (limit -100 to 100).


An integer of the relative vertical offset for the cropped image (default: 0) (limit -100 to 100).


--x-crop and --y-crop don’t modify the final image dimensions at all. Their values are relative to the crop computed on the entire request. If the final aspect ratio doesn’t modify the original dimensions of the images, these flags will have no effect.


A custom comma-separated list of integer values defining the left, upper, right, and lower coordinates (also known as a box) that will be applied to the image crop (default: None).

As there’s no way to know how many pixels an image has (different sources, display aspect ratio, etc.), all of the values are relative to the image in the scale of 0 to 100.


Every time Kinobot makes a collage, all of the images are scaled to the same aspect ratio and resolution. In the case of multiple images, --custom-crop must be set on every bracket.


An URL of a custom transparent image/sticker to paste over the generated bracket frame (default: None). The image must be PNG and transparent.


A float value that will multiply the width and height of the image (default: 1.0) (limit: 0 to 3.0).


A custom list of two comma-separated values definining the x and y position of the paste (default: 0,0). Like --custom-crop, the values are relative to the bracket frame.


An integer of degrees to rotate the paste (default: None).


Kinobot will raise InvalidRequest if any of the stated limits are exceeded.

See Also:

Pillow documentation